iStratus® Privacy Policy
iStratus is your data management tool that was built from the ground up with security in mind. Create and also import data into a perfectly secure environment. In addition to adhering to standard security protocols, iStratus offers security measures for you to use at your discretion such as file encryption, app-entry security PIN, and a device-only privacy key for individual folders/files.
- iStratus requests user data from cloud storage providers in order to show your name, email address, and account information in the iStratus app. It is also used to distinguish which account is currently in use and to help with technical support. iStratus does not sell or distribute user data.
- When electing to utilize a cloud storage provider, data that leaves the device is transmitted using the chosen provider's secure API and is stored on the provider's server and so must be in compliance with their rules and is subject to their policies on data privacy.
- Encryption of any item, such as a document, an image, etc., utilizes the AES-256 algorithm. Any key used in the encryption process is completely unknown to and not recoverable by iStratus or anybody else.