Life Skills to Teach Your Teen Before College

Embrace Organization with iStratus

As your teenager prepares to embark on the exciting journey of college life, it’s essential to equip them with the necessary life skills to navigate this new chapter successfully. College brings newfound independence and responsibilities, making it the perfect time to teach your teen crucial skills that will set them up for success. In this blog post, we will explore valuable life skills to teach your teen before college, with a special focus on organization and planning using the iStratus app—an all-in-one tool to bring order and efficiency to their lives.

Time Management

Time management is a fundamental skill that helps individuals balance academic, personal, and social commitments effectively. Here’s how you can guide your teen in mastering this skill:

  1. Prioritization: Teach your teen to identify and prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Encourage them to use the iStratus app’s To-Do List/Checklist feature to organize and track their tasks.
  2. Scheduling: Help your teen create a weekly schedule that includes class time, study periods, extracurricular activities, and personal time. The iStratus app’s Task Manager can assist them in setting deadlines and reminders.
  3. Avoiding Procrastination: Encourage your teen to break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and tackle them promptly. The iStratus app’s Task Manager can help them track their progress and stay motivated.

Organization and Planning

Being organized and having effective planning skills are crucial for staying on top of college assignments, deadlines, and responsibilities. Introduce your teen to the benefits of organization with the help of the iStratus app:

  1. Calendar Integration: Show your teen how to utilize the iStratus app’s integrated calendar feature to sync their class schedules, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments in one place. This visual representation will help them better manage their time and avoid conflicts.
  2. File Management: Teach your teen to use the iStratus app’s file storage feature to keep important documents, lecture notes, and assignments organized and easily accessible. Encourage them to create folders and subfolders for different subjects or categories to stay organized throughout the semester.
  3. Collaboration and Task Delegation: Help your teen understand the importance of collaboration and delegating tasks when necessary. The iStratus app’s Contacts feature allows them to keep track of group members’ contact information and efficiently communicate and assign tasks for group projects or study sessions.

Financial Management

Managing finances responsibly is a vital life skill for college students. Equip your teen with the knowledge and tools to effectively handle their finances:

  1. Budgeting: Teach your teen to create a budget that accounts for their income, expenses, and savings goals. Encourage them to monitor their spending, set limits, and maintain financial discipline.
  2. Bill Reminders: Show your teen how to utilize the iStratus app’s reminder feature to set notifications for bill payments, rent, or other financial obligations. This will help them stay on top of their responsibilities and avoid unnecessary late fees or penalties.
  3. Saving Strategies: Teach your teen the importance of saving money regularly. Help them set financial goals and track their progress using the iStratus app’s goal-setting feature. They can allocate a portion of their income towards savings and monitor their savings’ growth over time.

Communication and Relationship Building

Effective communication and relationship-building skills are essential for academic success, personal growth, and fulfilling social life. Here’s how you can guide your teen:

  1. Networking: Encourage your teen to actively engage in extracurricular activities, join clubs or organizations, and attend social events. The iStratus app’s Contacts feature can help them keep track of important contacts they meet along the way, making it easier to nurture relationships and build a network of support.
  2. Professional Communication: Teach your teen the importance of professional communication, including email etiquette, writing clear and concise messages, and maintaining a professional online presence. The iStratus app’s Contacts feature can store important professional contacts and facilitate seamless communication.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Help your teen develop conflict resolution skills by encouraging open and respectful communication. Teach them to express their feelings, actively listen to others, and find collaborative solutions. The iStratus app’s Notes feature can be used to jot down important points during discussions or conflict resolution processes.

Self-Care and Well-Being

Promoting self-care and well-being is crucial for your teen’s overall health and academic success. Teach them these important practices:

  1. Stress Management: Show your teen how to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and hobbies. Encourage them to use the iStratus app to schedule a dedicated self-care time and set reminders to ensure they make time for themselves amidst their busy schedule.
  2. Healthy Habits: Help your teen develop healthy habits, including maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated. The iStratus app’s Checklist feature can serve as a reminder for healthy habits and encourage them to track their progress.
  3. Seeking Support: Teach your teen the importance of seeking support when needed. Encourage them to utilize the iStratus app’s Contacts feature to store contact information for campus resources, such as academic advisors, counseling services, or health clinics.

Equipping your teen with essential life skills before college sets them up for a successful and fulfilling academic journey. The iStratus app serves as a valuable tool to assist them in embracing organization and planning, managing their time effectively, and staying on top of their commitments. By teaching your teen these life skills, you empower them to navigate college life with confidence, ensuring they make the most of their academic experience while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

As they embark on this new chapter, remind your teen that the iStratus app is their reliable companion, simplifying their organizational needs and allowing them to focus on their personal growth and academic achievements.

With the iStratus app in hand, they’ll be well-prepared to embrace the exciting challenges and opportunities that college life brings. Download the iStratus app today.

Tips for Planning the Perfect Summer Getaway with iStratus

Summer is the perfect time to escape from the daily grind and embark on a memorable getaway. Whether you’re dreaming of a relaxing beach vacation, an adventurous road trip, or a cultural exploration, proper planning is key to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. With the iStratus app at your side, organizing and managing your summer getaway becomes a breeze. In this blog post, we will share valuable tips for planning the perfect summer getaway, with a special focus on organization and planning using the iStratus app.

Plan The Perfect Summer Vacation

Define Your Vacation Goals and Budget

Before diving into the planning process, take a moment to define your vacation goals and set a budget. Consider what you hope to achieve during your getaway—relaxation, adventure, exploration, or a combination. Determine the amount you’re willing to spend and allocate it to different categories such as transportation, accommodation, activities, and meals.

Use the iStratus app’s Checklist feature to create a comprehensive checklist of vacation goals and budget allocations. Having these goals and budget parameters clearly defined will guide your decision-making process throughout the planning stage.

Research and Choose Your Destination

Research is key to finding the perfect destination that aligns with your interests and budget. Use travel websites, blogs, and social media platforms to gather information about potential destinations. Consider factors such as climate, activities and attractions, safety, local customs, and accessibility.

The iStratus app’s Files feature allows you to save articles, travel guides, and important documents related to your destination. You can create folders for different destinations and easily access the information whenever needed.

Plan Your Itinerary

Once you’ve selected your destination, start planning your itinerary. Research popular attractions, landmarks, local events, and hidden gems in the area. Prioritize the activities and sights that align with your vacation goals and budget.

The iStratus app’s Task Manager feature is perfect for organizing your itinerary. Create tasks for each day or activity, set reminders and deadlines, and mark them as completed once accomplished. This helps you stay on track and ensures that you make the most of your time during your getaway.

Book Accommodation and Transportation

Secure your accommodation and transportation well in advance to get the best options and deals. Compare prices, read reviews, and consider factors such as location, amenities, and cancellation policies.

Use the iStratus app’s Contacts feature to store contact information for hotels, vacation rentals, airlines, car rental companies, and transportation providers. This way, you have all the necessary details readily available when making reservations or contacting customer support.

Pack Smartly and Efficiently

Make a packing list using the iStratus app’s To-Do List/Checklist feature to ensure you don’t forget any essential items. Consider the climate and activities at your destination to pack appropriate clothing, footwear, and accessories. Roll your clothes or use packing cubes to maximize space and minimize wrinkles.

Take advantage of the iStratus app’s Photos feature to snap pictures of important documents like passports, IDs, travel insurance, and reservation confirmations. This ensures you have digital backups readily available in case of any mishaps or emergencies.

Prepare for Safety and Emergencies

Prioritize your safety during your summer getaway. Research local laws and customs, and familiarize yourself with emergency contact numbers and the location of nearby hospitals or clinics.

Create a safety checklist using the iStratus app’s Checklist feature. Include items such as travel insurance, first aid kits, medication, emergency cash, and copies of important documents. Tick off each item as you pack and ensure that you have everything covered for a worry-free vacation.

Stay Organized During Your Trip

During your summer getaway, the iStratus app continues to be a valuable tool for staying organized and keeping track of important details. 

Using the iStratus app during your trip:

  • Use the iStratus app’s Notes feature to jot down important information such as addresses, reservation details, and recommendations from locals or fellow travelers.
  • Take advantage of the iStratus app’s Task Manager to keep track of activities, excursions, and dining reservations. Set reminders for specific times or locations to ensure you don’t miss out on any planned experiences.
  • Utilize the iStratus app’s Contacts feature to store contact information for local tour operators, transportation services, or restaurants. Having this information readily available makes it easy to make reservations or get in touch if needed.
  • Capture the memories of your summer getaway using the iStratus app’s Photos feature. Create albums to organize and document your travel experiences, and share them with friends and family when you return.

Be Flexible and Embrace Spontaneity

While planning is crucial, leave room for flexibility and spontaneity during your summer getaway. Allow yourself to discover new experiences, interact with locals, and take advantage of unexpected opportunities that may arise. Use the iStratus app’s flexibility to adapt your plans and make adjustments on the go.

Planning the perfect summer getaway becomes a seamless and organized process with the help of the iStratus app. By incorporating its features into your vacation planning, you can create a comprehensive itinerary, stay organized, and have essential information readily available at your fingertips.

Remember to define your vacation goals and budget, research and choose your destination wisely, and plan your itinerary in advance. Take advantage of the iStratus app’s features such as checklists, task management, contact storage, and photo organization to streamline your planning process and ensure a smooth and enjoyable summer getaway.

With iStratus as your trusty travel companion, you can focus on creating lifelong memories, exploring new destinations, and embracing the adventures that await you during your summer escape.

So start planning, pack your bags, and let iStratus bring order and efficiency to your summer getaway.  Download the iStratus app today!

Planning The Best Graduation Party With iStratus

Graduation is a major milestone in life, and it deserves to be celebrated in style. But planning a graduation party can be a daunting task, with so many details to consider and so much to do. Fortunately, with the help of iStratus, you can simplify the planning process and create a party that your graduate will always remember. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the iStratus app can help you plan the best graduation party.

Create a Guest List

The first step in planning any party is to create a guest list. With iStratus, you can easily create and manage your guest list, making it easy to keep track of who’s coming and who’s not.

Send Invitations

Once you have your guest list, it’s time to send out invitations. There are several programs online to help you create and send digital invitations right from the app, making it easy to keep track of RSVPs and send reminders.

Plan the Menu

No party is complete without food, and planning the menu can be a major task. With iStratus, you can plan your menu right in the app, create a shopping list, and keep track of what you need to prepare.

Choose Decorations

Decorations can add a festive touch to any party, but choosing them can be overwhelming. With iStratus, you can create a list of decorations you need, keep track of where you plan to purchase them and even keep track of your expenses along the way.

Schedule Entertainment

Entertainment is a key part of any party, and planning it can be stressful. With iStratus, you can easily schedule entertainment, such as a DJ or a photo booth, what items you will be responsible for providing, and keep track of when they will arrive and depart.

Keep Track of Supplies

There are many supplies you will need for your graduation party, from plates and cups to napkins and utensils. With iStratus, you can create a shopping list and keep track of what you have already purchased and what you still need to buy.

Plan Activities

In addition to entertainment, planning activities can keep your guests engaged and having fun. With iStratus, you can create a list of games or other activities you plan to have at the party and keep track of what supplies you need.

Manage Your Budget

Planning a party can be expensive, and it’s important to manage your budget carefully. With iStratus, you can create a budget and keep track of your expenses, making it easy to stay on track and avoid overspending.

Keep Track of the Timeline

Timing is everything when it comes to planning a party, and it can be challenging to keep track of everything you need to do. With iStratus, you can create a timeline for your party, making it easy to stay on track and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Coordinate with Other Hosts

If you are planning the graduation party with other hosts, it’s important to stay coordinated. With iStratus, you can share your plans and keep everyone in the loop, making it easy to work together to plan a successful party.

In conclusion, planning a graduation party can be a complex and time-consuming task, but with the help of iStratus, you can simplify the process and create a party that your graduate will always remember. With features like guest list management, invitation sending, menu planning, and budget tracking,

iStratus can help you stay organized and on track throughout the planning process. So why not give iStratus a try and see how it can help you plan the best graduation party ever? Download the iStratus app today.

Can A Calendar App Simplify Your Life?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks we need to accomplish each day. Whether you’re juggling work responsibilities, personal commitments, or a combination of both, staying organized is essential for managing your time effectively and reducing stress. Fortunately, with the help of a calendar app like iStratus, you can take control of your schedule and stay on top of everything you need to do. In this blog post, we’ll explore the 7 benefits of using a calendar app for organizing your home and work life.

1. Keep Track of Important Dates and Deadlines

One of the primary benefits of using a calendar app is the ability to keep track of important dates and deadlines. Whether it’s a work meeting, a doctor’s appointment, or a family event, a calendar app can help you stay on top of everything you need to do. By entering these dates into your calendar app, you’ll be able to see at a glance what’s coming up and avoid any last-minute surprises.

iStratus takes it one step further by giving you the ability to add checklists and photos to each entry.  These come in handy so you don’t forget important questions to ask during your appointment or if you need to bring proof of identity, residence, or even medical data to the appointment.

2. Sync Your Schedule Across All Devices

Another advantage of using a calendar app is the ability to sync your schedule across all your devices. Whether you’re at home or on the go, you can access your calendar and stay up to date with all your appointments and commitments. This is particularly useful if you’re someone who frequently travels or works remotely.

3. Reduce Stress and Improve Productivity

By keeping your schedule organized and up to date, you’ll be able to reduce stress and improve your productivity. Instead of constantly worrying about what you need to do next, you can focus on the task at hand and get things done more efficiently. This can help you feel more in control of your schedule and reduce feelings of overwhelm and burnout.

iStratus has a separate task manager built into the app. Our users find this very helpful in prioritizing their tasks.  And is there anything better than marking something as complete on your to-do list?

4. Set Reminders and Notifications

A calendar app can also help you set reminders and notifications for upcoming events or deadlines. Whether it’s a pop-up notification on your phone or an email reminder, these alerts can help ensure that you don’t forget important appointments or tasks. This is especially helpful if you’re someone who tends to forget things or gets distracted easily.

One of our customers told us she uses it as a final call for her kids.  She shows them the reminder and they know they need to get on their shoes and socks and meet her at the door.

5. Plan Ahead and Make Time for Self-Care

With a calendar app, you can also plan ahead and make time for self-care activities. Whether it’s scheduling a yoga class, a date night with your partner, or a relaxing bath, you can ensure that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being. By making self-care a priority, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of your work and personal life.

6. Share Your Schedule with Others

Another benefit of using a calendar app is the ability to share your schedule with others. This can be particularly useful for families, roommates, or colleagues who need to coordinate schedules or plan events together. By sharing your calendar, you can avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Many of our customers share their calendars with their spouses and children and have taught the children to do the same. No more surprise projects the night before they are due.

7. Keep Your Schedule Private and Secure

Finally, a calendar app like iStratus can help you keep your schedule private and secure. With features like password protection and encryption, you can ensure that your sensitive information is kept safe from prying eyes. This can be particularly important if you’re using your calendar app to manage sensitive work information or personal appointments.

A calendar app like iStratus can be a powerful tool for staying organized and on top of your schedule. From keeping track of important dates and deadlines to setting reminders and notifications, a calendar app can help you manage your time more effectively and reduce stress.

So why not give iStratus a try and see how it can help you stay organized and on top of your busy schedule? Download the iStratus app today.

Life Skills To Teach Your Children

Our children rely on us for so many things but it is the life lessons we teach them throughout their younger years that make the most lasting impressions. In this article, we will discuss the 10 most important life skills we can teach our children to help them become successful adults. 

10 Most Important Life Skills

1. Time Management

Setting time limits for tasks, learning to prioritize, and developing a sense of urgency are all-important time management skills that will help our children lead organized and successful lives. Teaching your child time management skills from an early age can help them manage their time better as adults.

We encourage you to teach them to use a calendar or day-planner system like iStratus to schedule important events or tasks in advance.  This will help them in their studies in the short term but will continue to help them throughout life.  Imagine how much stress you could have avoided if you had learned time management as a child.

2. Networking

Networking is an essential skill in today’s world, and teaching your child the basics of networking early on can help them make meaningful connections as they grow older.  Encouraging your child to meet new people and build relationships through activities like joining clubs and groups can be a great way to start building their network.

One of the easiest ways to show your children the benefits of networking is to point out something good that happened to you because of the relationships you have built.  Has an old friend invited you to a concert out of the blue? Did someone you worked for years ago give you a job reference?  Do you still turn to your good friend from college for their services as a loan officer or financial advisor?  Sharing these things with your children will help them see the benefit of creating lasting relationships.

3. Grit and Resilience

Teaching our children to be resilient is one of the most important life skills we can teach them.  Grit, or perseverance in the face of adversity, can help our children develop lifelong habits of resilience, persistence, and achieving their goals no matter what obstacles they may face. 

When they fail at something, help them recognize the good that comes out of it.  Help them see that every failure makes them stronger or smarter in some way.  Most importantly, don’t step in and help them avoid failure. If our children never fail, they will not know what to do when failure finally happens.  Failure is not always a bad thing.

4. Communication

Good communication skills are essential for our children to learn in order to interact effectively with others as they grow up. Teaching your child how to express their feelings and thoughts, listen attentively, ask questions, and discuss topics openly will help them build relationships and succeed in all areas of life.

There are so many opportunities to teach your children to communicate.  Be intentional about it.  Ask them open-ended questions and listen to their answers.  We find that the best way to get our children to open up to us is through side-by-side conversations.  Speak to them while folding the laundry, cooking, or driving.  They are much more likely to open up than when sitting face to face.

5. Problem-Solving

Teaching our children how to think critically and solve problems will help them develop the skills needed to tackle any issue they may come across as adults.  Encouraging your child to propose solutions, break down problems step by step and look at different perspectives can all help them become better problem solvers in the future.

Even when you know the answer to a problem you are having, ask for their opinions. Ask them to walk you through the solution.  Don’t be surprised if their solution is better than the one you thought you had. Children often think outside of the box.  Teaching them to embrace that now could come in handy for the rest of their lives.

6. Financial Literacy

Understanding the basics of money management is essential for our children to become financially independent adults. Teaching your child how to create a budget, save and invest, and responsibly use credit are all important skills that will help them make sound financial decisions in the future.

Help them open a bank account with their birthday money.  Show them how quickly that can build when you put their allowance in the bank instead of their pockets. These small things are just the beginning of their financial future.

7. Decision-Making and Critical Thinking

Our children need to learn how to make decisions for themselves.  Teaching your child about the importance of considering different perspectives and applying critical thinking in their decision-making process will help them make well-informed choices throughout their life.

Give them the opportunity to exercise their decision-making muscle.  Start out simple by letting them give you a meal idea for the upcoming week.  They can choose one of their favorites or they can look through a cookbook.  When deciding on a film to watch, give them the parameters and let them help decide on the film. These small decisions will be just the beginning and will help them make even bigger decisions in the future.

8. Personal Responsibility and Self-Awareness

Learning responsibility and self-awareness are two of the most important skills we can teach our children.  Teaching your child to take ownership of their actions, understand their emotions, and be mindful of the impacts of their decisions will help them become conscientious adults.

Personal responsibility is not easy and as a parent, it is sometimes easier to let your child avoid taking responsibility for the mistakes they make.  But you are not doing them a favor.  Helping them to understand the consequences of their actions will prepare them for real life and help them make wiser choices in the future.

9. Creativity

Encouraging creativity in our children can help spark their imaginations and develop their problem-solving skills.  Introducing art projects, music, or drama to your child can help them develop creative thinking that will carry on through adulthood.

The trick here is to help your child find the creative outlet that works best for them.  If they don’t take to art, try music.  If that doesn’t work, consider knitting, sewing, or carpentry. 

10. Relationship Building

Teaching our children how to build and maintain meaningful relationships is essential for them to succeed in life.  Encouraging your child to interact with others respectfully, and learn how to compromise and resolve conflicts amicably are all important skills that will help them build healthy relationships in adulthood.

These are just some of the life skills we can teach our children to help them become successful adults.  Instilling these values from an early age and modeling good behavior ourselves will be key to ensuring our children grow up with the knowledge and understanding they need to thrive as adults.

These skills can be implemented using our app! You can help your children organize their calendars or create lists of tasks or projects that need to be completed. Download the iStratus app today and give it a try!

Get More Done In Less Time

As a mom, you are juggling school schedules, sports schedules, music lessons, dance lessons, dinner planning, and a thousand other tasks throughout your day. That’s one of the reasons we think iStratus is the perfect tool for you. iStratus integrates your Calendar, Contacts, Photos, File Manager, and Task Manager. Today we will share some of the ways each of these tools can help you get more done in less time.

6 Ways iStratus Can Make Mom-Life Easier

1. Calendar

We know, we know, you already have a calendar.  You are using the one that came on your iPhone, right?  iStratus does that too.  Our calendar syncs with your Apple calendar but it has some special tricks up its sleeves. As with most calendars, iStratus allows you to easily create and view multiple calendars. You’ll know when your kids have a game or practice and be able to set reminders for yourself, as well as others in the family. This way no one misses an important appointment. With our easy-to-use syncing feature, you can access and update your calendar from anywhere!

But there are a few ways our calendar is different.

  • Repeating Events

While most calendars only let you repeat events on the same day of the week or the month.  Our calendar allows you to choose the days the event will be repeated.  We have found this comes in particularly helpful when you have a child in physical therapy.  Our fans tell us this is one of their favorite time-saving features.

  • Add A Checklist

How many times have you gone to an appointment with a list of questions in your head and walked out having forgotten what you planned to ask?  With iStratus you can add a checklist to your event.  We find this helpful for doctor’s appointments, parent-teacher conferences, and even Christmas shopping.

  • Add Photos

No other calendar allows you to add photos to your event. Adding photos can be helpful in several ways.  When it’s time to take one of your parents to the doctor, take a couple of minutes to take photos of their medications instead of losing precious time writing a list of all of the medications.  You might also take photos of your tickets for a show in case you forget them on the night of the show or photos of your passports in case your passports are stolen or lost on your vacation.

  • Attach documents

Is there anything worse than showing up for sports registration and realizing you left the file with all of your documents sitting on the counter at home?  With iStratus you can attach important documents to your calendar. This can come in handy for almost any meeting. 

2. Contacts

Never lose another phone number or address with iStratus’ Contact Manager. Easily sync contacts from iCloud, Exchange, Gmail, and other sources to keep everyone’s information up-to-date. Plus you can customize contact lists for family members, sports teams, music classes, and more. 

3. Photos

iStratus knows how much mom loves her photos and has plenty of features to help you enjoy them. Sort and organize your photos in albums, sync with iCloud, upload directly from your phone or computer, share online, and more. With iStratus you can even add text to your photos for a personal touch.

4. File Manager

The iStratus File Manager makes a mom’s life easier when it comes to sharing important documents. It is a secure, cloud-based storage system that allows you to easily upload and share documents with family members or other contacts. You can also set permissions so that only certain people have access to specific files.  

5. Task Manager

Moms are always looking for ways to organize their day and the iStratus Task Manager is here to help. Create lists, assign tasks to family members, set reminders, mark tasks as completed, and more. With our Task Manager, you can easily keep all of your to-dos in one place. As with our calendar, the task manager is much more robust than other task managers.  You can add checklists, photos, contacts, and more to each task. 

6. All In One Place

We put all of these into one app.  There is no more switching back and forth between your calendar, contacts, photos, task manager, and document manager.  Instead, you will have everything you need all in one place.  With iStratus you will feel more organized than ever before.

It’s Secure

Best of all iStratus is secure.  Our encryption technology is designed to keep all of your data secure.  In a world in which cybercrime is running rampant, this is more important than ever.  How safe are your current apps?

Being a mom is not easy.  iStratus can make it easier. With iStratus, you can get more done in less time and feel confident knowing your data is secure.  Download iStratus today! You won’t regret it!

10 Meal Planning Tips For Making Mealtime Easier

At iStratus, we believe in being prepared. That’s why meal planning is right up our alley. Today we want to share with you 10 meal planning tips for your family.  Meal planning is a great way to ensure you and your loved ones are eating healthy, organized meals.

10 Meal Planning Tips To Make Mealtime Easier

1. Plan ahead

Start meal planning at least a week in advance to give yourself enough time to shop for ingredients and plan out meals.  Use the iStratus app to keep track of your menu. The good news is that you don’t have to do this alone.  Sit down with the whole family and get their suggestions.  Assign them a day to pick the dinner and help cook it.  This will lighten the load and make dinnertime more fun.

2. Create meal themes

Choose a meal theme for each day, such as meatless Mondays or tacos Tuesdays, and build your meal plan around it. This will help make meal planning less daunting and more enjoyable.

3. Make a grocery list

Once you’ve planned out your meals for the week, make a grocery list of the ingredients you’ll need to make them. This will help save time and money by avoiding impulse purchases. Use the iStratus app to create your grocery list directly into your calendar. Also, you may want to view our blog, iStratus Lists, for other lists to add to your calendar to make your life easier and stress-free.

4. Pre-prepared meals

Save time during mealtime by pre-prepping components of your meal ahead of time, such as chopping vegetables or marinating meats. We find that including the whole family in meal prep makes everyone more appreciative of the work and makes the task go by more quickly.

5. Get creative

Don’t be afraid to try new recipes or ingredients, meal planning is a great way to get creative in the kitchen and add some variety to your meal plan. A good rule of thumb is to add one new meal each week and choose a weekend to try it as a new recipe usually takes more time.

6. Utilize leftovers

Leftovers from one meal can become the base for another meal later in the week. This will save time and money, plus reduce waste. Consider having a “fend for yourself” night each week.  This gives everyone the opportunity to eat the leftovers from earlier meals.

7. Cook in bulk

Take advantage of meal planning by cooking large batches of meals that can be portioned out for the week’s meal plan.  This will help save time during mealtime and create more leftovers for later in the week! Spaghetti sauce and chicken breasts are two examples of items that can be cooked in bulk and pulled out later for a quick dinner.

8. Use your freezer

Building on the last tip, freezing leftovers or pre-cooked meals will help save time at mealtime and ensure you always have something on hand when hunger strikes.

9. Recycle meal ideas

Don’t be afraid to reuse meal ideas from previous meal plans to make meal planning simpler and easier. This is the #1 reason to add your menus to iStratus. It gives you the chance to go back and recycle.

10. Have a meal plan backup

Always have a meal plan backup ready in case you don’t have time to prepare or there’s an unexpected change of plans.  This could be pre-cooked meals, meal delivery services, or takeout!

Meal planning doesn’t have to be daunting. With these meal planning tips, you can create healthy and organized meal plans for the whole family with ease.  Give meal planning a try and experience the benefits of being prepared! Download the iStratus app today and give it a try!

Can An App Organize Your Family?

Running a family is hard. You have to juggle the calendar, not just for yourself but also for your spouse and your children as well. You have to plan and cook dinners, arrange for car and house repairs, and let’s not even get started on the medical appointments and weekly shopping. But, with iStratus, you can lighten the load. Using our day planner, task manager, and document manager in the right way, you can organize your family life to run as efficiently as your business life.   

In this article, we will share 8 ways you can use iStratus to keep your family more organized and efficient.

8 Ways To Use Your Calendar To Organize Your Family

1.  Sync family members’ activities

Use our family calendar to sync family members’ activities so everyone knows what’s happening and when. This will not only help you know what is going on but also will help your children understand the power of their calendars and agendas.  If you get them in the habit at a young age, then as they get older and start making plans for themselves they will be able to invite you to events such as school performances and other social activities as they reach their teenage years.

2. Automate reminders for family events

Set up automated reminders for family events, like birthdays and anniversaries, so you never forget them again. Be sure to add them to your spouse’s and children’s apps as well.  This will set them up for success. Remember that the reminder only does you good if you set the reminder early enough to plan.  For example, you might set a reminder to call your mom on her birthday but also set a reminder to order her flowers a week ahead of time. 

3. Keep track of family medical appointments

Use our day planner to keep track of family medical appointments, making sure everyone stays on top of their health. The iStratus’s robust day planner allows you to add a checklist to the event in your calendar. This way you to add a list of questions you have for the doctor or a list of items you need to bring such as intake forms, ID, and insurance card. In addition, you can add photos to the event.  We find this handy when wanting to share the medicines you are currently taking.  Just take a snapshot of the medicines and you have all the information you need right there.

4. Keep up with the household repairs

With iStratus, you can easily stay up-to-date on home repair tasks by creating a task list and setting reminders for when they need to be done. Also, don’t forget to add any service appointments to your calendar with a list of questions you have for the service provider.

5. Keep family finances organized

Use our document manager to store family financial documents securely in one place, and use the task list feature to stay on top of family bills. Because your documents can be encrypted when storing them, it is safe to save all of your financial information in the app.  This way, whether you have an appointment with an accountant or you receive an unexpected call when you are on vacation, you have all of the information at your fingertips.

6. Store family recipes in one place

Create a recipe folder in our document manager so all your family’s favorite recipes are easily accessible to everyone. Also, use the calendar to schedule who will be cooking on which nights.  We have found that you can start this process with your children early.  It may be that the youngest ones only help cook dinner in the beginning. As they get older, they can cook simple recipes by themselves. And finally, when old enough, they can choose any recipe in your folder and prepare it for the family.

7. Store family photos

With our document manager, you can store all family photos securely in one place and easily share them with family members. In addition, you can add this to tasks or calendar events as well.  This will come in handy when trying to recreate certain photos as your children grow.

8. Create a family shopping list

Use our task manager to create shared family grocery lists, making weekly shopping trips a breeze. Best of all you can add the list as a checklist in your calendar link.  That way no matter who is shopping they will have the list available to them.

With iStratus, you can make family planning easy and stress-free.  Start using our day planner, task manager, and document manager to get the family organized today!  Let iStratus help you make family organization a breeze. Organize today for tomorrow’s success! Download the iStratus app today.

Get More Done In Less Time

How many times have you said, “If I only had an extra hour in the day?” We never seem to have enough time to do the things we want to do. At iStratus, we are a little obsessed with using tools such as task lists, folders, and calendars to add time to our days. In this article, we will share ten time management tips that will change your life and add hours to your days. 

With time management, the key is breaking down your tasks into manageable chunks. One way to do this is by creating a daily to-do list. By writing out a plan for yourself of what needs to be done each day, you can enhance your productivity by giving focus and direction to your time. You may even find it helpful to assign time frames to each task. That way you can know exactly how much time you have allotted for a particular action and better plan accordingly.

Another time management tip is to schedule time for yourself. Just as we schedule time for tasks and errands, it’s just as important to carve out time during the day for rest and relaxation. This time is crucial to help you stay focused and productive.

It’s also important to use technology to your advantage when it comes to time management. Many time management tools are available which allow you to better track and organize tasks, so you can spend less time searching for information and more time completing the task at hand.

10 Time Management Tricks That Will Help You Get More Done In Less Time

1. Live by your to-do list

Successful people live by their to-do lists.  By creating a to-do list at the beginning of the day, they are intentional about what they have to accomplish throughout the day. If you want to get more done in less time, start with a to-do list.  Make a to-do list every morning and refer back to it throughout the day. In iStratus, your task list is built right in. 

2. Eliminate things from your to-do list

When you look at the list, consider what on there absolutely has to be done.  Is it something you could take off your list altogether? If so, eliminate it. Understanding that not every task is important is a big reason successful people get so much done. They are able to focus on what must happen instead of focusing on less important tasks.

3. Automate items on your list

Automation is more and more prevalent today.  Are there tasks that can be automated and removed from your list not just today but in the future as well?  Examples of tasks you may be able to automate are reminders about upcoming deadlines or thank-you notes for events.  Automating these tasks will save time, increase efficiency and reduce stress.

4. Delegate

This is probably the time management tip people skip most often.  Delegating is difficult for most people because they have to let go of control.  But when you look at the tasks on your lists, are some of them below your pay grade?  Chances are there are several that are. Which tasks can you ask someone else to handle? Maybe it’s as simple as asking one of your children to take the trash out each week or having your spouse do the grocery shopping.  If you are a business owner, maybe it’s time to hire a bookkeeper or someone who handles your marketing.  Delegation multiplies the time you have to do things.

5. Breakdown into smaller sections

Sometimes, your to-do list can be overwhelming.  That’s why we encourage you to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.    That way, you can focus on one small chunk at a time and get it done.  It’s much easier to finish the task when it’s broken down into smaller sections.

6. Take breaks

No matter how time-crunched you are, it’s important to take periodic breaks throughout the day. Taking small breaks helps you to re-energize and refocus when you feel overwhelmed.  This can help increase productivity and time management. One way to make the most of a break is to use these small breaks to go outside and walk throughout the day.  It gives you the opportunity to free up your mind and get your steps in at the same time.

7. Set deadlines

Having deadlines is important to time management success.  Setting deadlines helps you stay on track and motivates you to get things done.  Plus, it forces you to prioritize and focus on the tasks that need your attention.  In iStratus, you can set deadlines for yourself, or even assign tasks to others with deadlines in mind.

8. Block out distractions

This time management tip is essential in today’s world.  With the internet and social media, it is easy to get sidetracked by constant notifications and messages.  Set time limits for yourself on social media and time-consuming tasks.  Make sure to turn notifications off during the time you are trying to work on a task.  This will help you stay focused and get more done in less time.

9. Schedule time for yourself and your personal needs

We often forget to factor time for ourselves into our time management plan.  We get so busy with our tasks that we don’t leave any time for ourselves.  Schedule time each day when you can do something just for yourself, whether it’s yoga or taking a walk, or reading a book.  It’s important to take time for yourself each day, as it will help you stay motivated and productive in the long run.

10. Review your progress

Finally, it’s important to review your time management plan each day.  Take a few minutes at the end of the day to assess what went right, what went wrong, and what can be improved upon.  This will help you identify time management traps and make time for those tasks that often get forgotten.

By following these time management tips, you will be able to add hours to your day and make the most of the time available.  With improved time management comes increased productivity and a better quality of life.  So, what are you waiting for? Try these time management tips and see for yourself the difference they can make in your life.  With time, energy, and focus, you will be able to live your best life.  

Let time management be the key that unlocks your potential.  You can do it! Download the iStratus app today!

Reduce Your Stress By Adding These 10 Things To Your Calendar

Do you find yourself overscheduled most days?  Do you find there is never enough time in a day?  Do you sometimes wonder where time has gone?  This can be a stressful way to live.  Believe it or not, you may be able to reduce your stress level by adding these 10 things to your calendar from now on.  

10 Things To Add To Your Calendar

1. Schedule time for yourself

Make time for yourself every day. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to an hour to do something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. This can be anything from reading, taking a walk, listening to music, or meditating. Give yourself this time to relax and rejuvenate so that you can face the rest of your day with a positive attitude. Be sure to add these thirty minutes to the calendar or it won’t happen.

2. Wake-up time

Add your wake-up time to your calendar.  Knowing when you are waking up will allow you to better schedule the rest of the day.  This may mean you need to get up earlier. This may sound counterintuitive, but by waking up even just 30 minutes earlier, you can give yourself some much-needed time to ease into your day. Use this time to do something calming, such as reading or stretching, so that you start your day off on the right foot.

3. Meal times

Make sure to schedule time for meals on your calendar. Skipping meals can lead to unhealthy habits and make it difficult to concentrate throughout the day. If you know you have a busy day ahead, plan to pack a healthy lunch or make time to stop for a quick bite. Scheduling meal times will help to ensure that you are getting the nutrients your body needs to function at its best.

Scheduling time for meals also helps you to be more mindful as you eat.  When we mindlessly eat, we are more likely to overeat or make unhealthy choices. By taking the time to sit down and enjoy meals, we can be more aware of what we are eating and how it makes us feel.

4. Exercise

Add exercise to your calendar just like you would any other important appointment. Exercise is essential for maintaining your health and well-being, so it should be given priority in your schedule. If you find it difficult to make time for a traditional workout, look for other ways to add movement to your day. Taking a brisk walk during your lunch break or riding a bike on the weekends are all great alternatives.

5. Work

Of course, you will need to schedule time for work as well. If you have a set work schedule, be sure to add it to your calendar. If you are self-employed or have a more flexible work schedule, try to set some structure for yourself by blocking out time for work each day. This will help you to stay focused and be more productive.  Also if you tend to have multiple meetings during a day, be sure to schedule a time to get specific projects done.  You may need to schedule a time to check your email or a specific project.  The goal of adding these things to your calendar is to start taking control of your schedule instead of letting your schedule take control of you.

6. Chores

Chores are an essential part of life, but they can also be a major source of stress. To make things easier on yourself, add chore time to your calendar. Dedicate an hour or two each week to laundry, grocery shopping, and other household tasks. Scheduling these activities ahead of time will help to alleviate some of the stress associated with them.

7. Family time

Make sure to schedule some quality time with your loved ones. Family time is important for maintaining healthy relationships. Whether you spend an evening each week cooking dinner together or plan a weekend getaway once a month, be sure to add this time to your calendar. One of our favorite parenting tips is to add time with each of your children to your calendar.

8. Free time

Free time is essential for letting your mind and body relax. While it is important to schedule time for your commitments, it is also essential to schedule time for yourself. Add some free time to your calendar each week so that you can do something fun and enjoyable. This can be anything from going to the movies or taking a yoga class.

9. Bedtime

Getting enough sleep is vital for your health and well-being. To make sure you are getting enough rest, add your bedtime to your calendar. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to wind down before going to sleep so that you can get a good night’s rest.

10. Reflection Time

At the end of each day, take some time to reflect on what you have accomplished. This reflection time can be used to set goals for the next day or week. It is also a good time to evaluate how your day went and identify any areas that need improvement. Scheduling this reflection time into your calendar will help to ensure that you make time for it each day.

By adding these 10 things to your calendar, you can help to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Scheduling time will help you to better manage your time and prioritize your commitments. Get started today by downloading the iStratus app!