Happy Hobbies

Humans are social beings, whether it’s with friends, family, or solo. It’s beneficial to engage ourselves in a happy hobby. According to an old cliché: “Hobbies help develop our tastes and our passions in life.”  The best part is they can be just about anything one enjoys. Diversity is the spice of life. 

Few hobbies are ever considered as being productive unless you’re fortunate enough to have incorporated your hobby into your work.  Those types of jobs usually allow one to become more effective and achieve greater happiness in life.

As you probably know, iStratus loves to enhance your proficiency and productivity.  We thought we’d share a list of happy hobbies that you could explore and perhaps schedule into your iStratus calendar.

Hiking or Exploring Trails

Hiking and adventures are usually weekend hobbies for people with a passion for experiencing the beauty of nature and wonder around us. There is much evidence readily available to indicate physical activity has positive effects on mental health. It can have a beneficial effect on your overall productivity at work and home. These types of hobbies allow us to clear our minds of worries and focus on the present.

Paint a Picture

Painting permits individuals to release their creative side. Painting allows connecting to thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. It can lend to some wonderful perspectives towards life. It can also even convert goals into something physical, even within the workplace. Grab a paintbrush! You may not be a master painter, but it’s still something creatively tangible and truly authentic of you.

Cooking Up a Storm 

Not everyone is destined to be the world’s greatest sous chef.  However, cooking culinary delights is one of the most beneficial hobbies out there and an experience everyone should consider dabbling in. Cooking is an escape from daily stresses as it forces us to focus entirely on the product and process at hand. Using iStratus, you can help plan your grocery list and meals well in advance. As a bonus, preparing food ahead of time also means you’re more productive than you thought.

Write. You Don’t Have To Be a Wordsmith

Writing with passion is an incredibly powerful and important form of self-expression. It can help to channel your energies into things you feel fervent about. Pour out your inner thoughts and dreams! Write anything, unlock your creative side, and be as productive and strong as possible.

Knit. It’s Not Just a Hobby For Grandma, Celebrities or Social “Influencers”

Grandma knew knitting was good stuff. Truthfully, Hollywood celebrities have nothing on her. There are plenty of knitters circles in the world – with good reason. Not only is knitting a satisfying pastime, but also it is a superb tool for improving productivity. It encourages planning skills that a modern-day workplace will utilize. Knitting promises a warm and cozy product at the end of your endeavors.

Woodwork is Craft of Creation

Whether it’s a mahogany bookshelf, a fancy pencil holder, or something truly beautiful, woodwork helps boost your self-esteem once the project is started and completed. It also helps increase your productivity in creating a focused vision of the product. Constructing something out of wood that is useful not only helps make life easier but also can make you happier in the process.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

It’s awesome to get into the groove. Dancing may not be considered the most useful hobby of all time. However, when you consider the amount of hard ward, sweat, and diligence that go into it, dance is no doubt a rewarding and beneficial hobby.  Learning routines and practicing movement highly helps promote mental and physical productivity. At the end of the day, it increases your happiness in your daily life.  

Garden Greenery

Hand in hand with cooking – is there anything honestly more inherently relaxing, and worthwhile, than gardening? Gardening is not only a productive pastime but also allows you to bring food from the ground to the table. What a marvelous way to boost your productivity!

Gardening allows you to unwind, letting you conserve your energies for other busy days ahead. It also connects us with nature. We’ve only got one amazing world. Let’s treasure and build upon it.

“You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.”

~ Larry Page

Daydreaming is Not a Waste of Time

Some people may not technically regard this as a ‘hobby’.  However, daydreaming is another thing that stimulates one’s creative side and encourages the exploration of ideas. This process could potentially evolve into the solution or “Happy Hobby’ you’ve been searching for.

Resting the mind can provide clarity, reduce stress, and keep you even more focused and productive with your batteries fully recharged and ready to tackle just about anything.

Begin recording some of your desires with us today. Live life and roll well with iStratus.

On The Move

A Travel Checklist. The Goal: Fun-filled, likely stress-free, or at least less, on adventures. Simplifying what you need before and during your trip can be the difference between delight and disaster. A checklist provides less stress for preparation to your trip and more time for relaxing once your get to your destination. 

Traveling provides us with an insight into the world. While going with the flow is important, a little organization goes a long way towards ensuring you have the best time possible. 

Of course, every traveler has their preference and approach to things.  iStratus hopes to help you with this checklist for a safe, active, and enjoyable trip that will create memories to last a lifetime. 

Firstly, Know Your Personality

No matter where you choose to travel, feeling comfortable is central to enjoying the overall experience. How you choose to travel is completely your preference. However, setting your goals and your needs are paramount for quality time and feeling at home away from home.  

So, what brings you the most joy and comfort? Do you enjoy a toasty room? Snoozing in a stiff bed or would you prefer sleeping on a cloud? It’s the little things that truly make a difference. How you experience the world around you matters most.

We all have different tastes as does the company of those who join you on this experience. Some may love a foodie tour while others may enjoy being on the beach with a packed picnic from sunrise to sunset. Whatever your choice, for balance, that’s where using iStratus for a trip checklist and schedule comes in handy.

Be Prepared with a Plan

People may have decades of travel experience behind them and there’s nothing quite like the thrill of adventure a new place. Regardless of the type of experience, the more thorough a plan is, the smoother the logistics are likely to be. Whether an “expert or novice” adventurer, using iStratus can be fundamental to your trip.

Essentially, planning allows the right fit. Perhaps you have a preferred restaurant that requires booking in advance or you require accessible options, such as elevators. Needless to say, there are tons of spontaneous or unplanned experiences that can occur.  However by being organized and planning early, choices and experiences are more likely attainable.

The Right Time of Year Makes a Difference

The key to quality adventures is understanding what and how you want to experience your destination. What factors are most important to you and your family, or your travel buddies? You can plan a fantastic trip by using iStratus to making notes of preferences, goals, and needs. The “best time” of the year may vary as it may not necessarily be set upon a generic timeline or season.

If you are not limited to a certain time of year, different times on the calendar could be set. iStratus can easily help you layout your plans with various options and alternatives so the diversity of any destination can be experienced, regardless of the calendar. Do what works best for you as to when you wish to visit. For instance, you might be a person who prefers to hit sunny warmer places during cooler winter months. 

Pack Smart, To Stay Sharp

Packing is an essential part of travel which can also be challenging. Let’s face it!  No matter where we are, we are creatures of habit who enjoy a few comforts of home. It is easy to overpack, which can add to the overall cost of the trip. It’s not always the best feeling having to lug heavy luggage between transfers, accommodations, or destinations.

Lighter luggage lends itself to better travel. Consider all essentials required and create a packing list that accounts for weather conditions or special requirements at your destination (such as Passports and so forth). Think about what you truly need versus what you want to take. Your items can quickly become more than essentials.

Regardless of where you wish to explore the globe, iStratus recommends keeping packing lists versatile and straightforward. Copies of important documents are important. Keep your cell phone handy as these things can be stored in iStratus and at a tap, things are there as needed. Also, portable battery chargers make things easier as power is with you wherever you go. 

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

~ Miriam Beard

It’s a big, wide world out there. Traveling does not have to be lost with all the changes of recent years. It is good to discover new places. Let iStratus help you organize things to a tee, reduce stress, and explore the wonders of the world. 

Go ahead and starting preparing for your next travel experience today! Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Weigh It Up: Making Decisions with a ‘Checklist’ Approach

Analysis paralysis” (Yes, it exists!) can hit us all when faced with a challenging decision. Often, we wish to avoid making the “wrong” choice so we expend a huge amount of energy analyzing every possibility or potential disaster.

On the flip side, sometimes we are convinced that we know what the best solution is. Decisions are quick and subsequently. Sometimes, we can omit poignant alternatives.

Weighing up the “pros and cons” is a simple but effective decision-making strategy. It is well known for highlighting different angles, solutions, and assured choices. This article will address using iStratus to analyze the pros and cons of a choice quantitatively for all-around well-informed decisions.  We hope this process will help you become more productive and efficient at decision making. 

Quantitative Pros and Cons –  What Are They?

Weighing up the pros and cons can improve your understanding of a situation and help avoid decision-making paralysis. Using a simple “pros” and “cons” list encourages objective decisions without those “gut feelings” impacting choice. It boosts perspective and can help one reach a balanced, informed decision.

One side is likely to feature more points than the other in countless situations. Thus, making the decision-making process easier. iStratus’s Checklist feature easily highlights your thoughts. When constructing a “Pros and Cons list, select the format that works best for you. 

Creating a Pros and Cons List Effectively

To achieve the best results from a pros and cons list, iStratus suggests organizing and undertaking the process as follows:

  • Choose a way of populating your desired list
  • Brainstorm and list the pros of each decision
  • Examine and note the risks or cons associated with the decision
  • Include any potential third-party pros and cons

Applying Quantitative Pros and Cons

Weighing up the pros and cons of a decision is a quick and easy process with iStratus. In simple terms, it is one side versus the other by listing all of the possible positive outcomes of the decision and all the negative ramifications.

We suggest assigning a positive or negative value to each one with all factors considered and recorded. A score of 5 on a scale of 1 to 5 may be strongly favorable while 1 may be unfavorable. The intention is to try to score as objectively as possible not leaning with bias!

Once your rating scale is complete, total the score in each column and subtract the amount of “cons” from the “pros”. Ultimately a more positive overall score indicates a benefit while a more negative indicator suggests to scrap it.

Remember, common sense is also vital. These lists aren’t necessarily definitive right off the bat. If you suspect the overall solution isn’t appropriate, commit some further time towards identifying factors likely to have been missed or omitted.

Some advantages could be obvious immediately whereas others are potentially discovered following meticulous thought and reasoning. Posing certain questions can also underline the benefits associated such as:

  • What are the fundamental benefits of this decision?
  • What favorable outcome would be accomplished that you don’t currently have?
  • What could be further accomplished?
  • How will this contribute to your current goals? 
  • How does this option impact other people in your life?
  • How does it position you for success in the future?

The cons chart should include reasons why a decision is not in the best interest. It should also list in potential consequences or undesirable outcomes.

Once more some indicators will be obvious, such as distances or the amount of time and investment required. While other cons will require examination of your intended goals. Questions to assist in determining specific cons might include:

  • What are the risks correlated with this decision?
  • What are you sacrificing?
  • What significant challenges does this decision present? Are they conquerable?
  • How would this position or choice impede other goals?


Set a time limit for decision-making. This encourages brainstorming issues without over-analyzing the “nit-picky” details.

Set Your Direction But Be Flexible 

Weighing up pros and cons is a quick, simple way to make objective, considered decisions. Quantifying options helps you to weigh your decisions and come to thoughtful conclusions. Each decision is important so must be processed throughly. Seeing some sort of total will help you to decide whether it’s worthwhile going ahead with something or not. 

“Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.”

~ Lester R. Bittel

Mastering these skills and using the simple checklist tools within iStratus, can help your future decisions flourish, regardless of what the context is. We must emphasize all of this advice doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the choice you MUST stick like glue with. Be flexible, go easy on yourself, and take time. There are pluses and minuses to everything decision. Direction and planning simply provide a sense of balance in what can be a crazy world.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Eight Time Management Tips for the Busy Person

Time Management.  How can I manage something that I never seem to have?  Have you ever looked at your weekly calendar on Sunday evening and cringed?  You have work deadlines, a repair person coming, kids to get to practice, a spouse who’s traveling, and, to top it off,  your mother needs a ride to the doctor.

Have you ever gotten to the end of a week and wondered what you’ve really accomplished? Or wondered if what you’ve accomplished really was the most important?  As our lives get busier and more complex, managing how we spend our precious time has become increasingly important.

You Can’t Stretch Time, But You Can Make the Most of Every Minute

Making the most of every minute does NOT mean that you never slow down to engage in your favorite activities…or to simply relax.  In fact, by implementing time management strategies, you can actually “find” time. Not only will you use your time more efficiently and effectively at work and at home, the time you “find” can be used for that extra hour of reading your favorite author or walking to the park.

Get Started With Time Management


  • Do I procrastinate?
  • What are my time wasters?  (social media? office chatter?)
  • During what hours do I feel most focused and productive?  
  • How do I keep track of my schedule, and is it working for me?

Once you’ve taken a few minutes to honestly assess your current time management, you’re ready to consider the following:


List, List, List.  Can’t be stressed enough.  The process of making a list forces you to account for all that needs to happen on any given day.  Plus, by writing a list, you’ve effectively downloaded that information from your brain. That frees up your brain’s power to get things done.  But, be ready to edit. List making can be tricky at first.

  • Make a realistic list.  Making your list too long can set you up for disappointment and frustration.
  • Prioritize.  What is truly MOST important for you to accomplish today?  This might not necessarily be the same as what is “talking” to you the most and getting your attention. Top of your list should be the MOST important item for you to complete, not someone else’s priority.  The iStratus task manager is a great way to start prioritizing your to-do list.
  • Commit to the list.  We all know the unexpected happens, but consistently commit to following your list in order of importance to meet priorities most effectively.  If you’ve committed and life throws you a curveball, at least you’ve worked towards the top priority first even if you can’t complete it.
  • Write it today.  Write your list for tomorrow at the end of your day today so you enjoy your evening with a clear head. Plus, with your list written, you’ll start tomorrow with your plan of action ready and waiting.  


We’ve all done it.  We’ve worked diligently on our To Do List.  We’ve promised to dig in right away with task #1 first thing in the morning.  Morning comes, and task #1 seems daunting. How do I get started? How am I going to finish this?  Then it starts.  I’ll just clear my inbox first.  Or I’ll just knock off task #4 first—it’s quicker. STOP.   This is where strategy #1—Live by the List—can save you.   You’ve prioritized. You’ve committed. Feel the power of sticking to it!

If task #1 is completely overwhelming, break it into more manageable sub-tasks that you can complete more quickly.  More quickly completing that first sub-task can provide the much-needed buzz of accomplishment to spur you on to the next sub-task.  


You are focused on your task #1, but there is another task distracting you.  Successful time management doesn’t mean you must do everything yourself. Nor should you. If there is someone in your sphere capable of handling the distractor task, ask for help!  This is not a weakness, but working smart. Perhaps your co-worker can lead that meeting. Or your child can get dinner started. To truly be productive, you should consider delegating. Delegating keeps you focused and builds capacity in others.


You’ve got three balls in the air—you’re cranking and feeling productive.  But are you? At first glance, multi-tasking seems like the perfect solution to an over-stuffed schedule.  

However, when your brain’s focus is switching among multiple tasks, you are less able to fully attend to any one task, often sacrificing quality.  The time your brain spends to re-focus on each task as you shift among them, actually wastes time. But even worse, over time, the brains of frequent multi-taskers often become less able to filter out distractions to truly focus on one task.


You’ve got a long list of Must Do’s on your schedule.  But don’t forget about those routine tasks that can eat up a big chunk of time, but never make it onto your calendar. Catching up on email, returning calls, face-time with co-workers are all sneaky time users that should be scheduled into your day like any other commitment.  If they are scheduled, you’ll be less likely to address them through multi-tasking.

When you schedule tasks is also important. If you are not a morning person, tackling your #1 task first thing, when you aren’t your most alert and productive, might not be the best choice.

With those Must Do’s accounted for, you can now schedule the Want to Do’s.  Whether it’s extra time at the gym, lunch with mom or a movie with your spouse, if you treat it like any other time commitment and add it to your calendar, you are more likely to make it happen.


You’ve got your work calendar, your personal calendar, your kids’ calendars, your spouse’s calendar, and maybe a parent’s calendar to consider. If you must keep it all in mind when scheduling your time, then you must keep it all in one place.  Whatever your style–the giant chalkboard in the kitchen, a day planner, or a digital calendar tool—keeping all relevant events in one place keeps you from the annoying time suck of re-scheduling tasks later.


With all this talk of prioritizing lists and making schedules, and your actual WORK, how can you possibly have time to get enough rest and exercise?  The fact is, you may become an expert at time management. But, if you’re chronically over-tired or rarely exercise, you still won’t be as effective and efficient.  Too little sleep chips away at your ability to focus and maintain attention on tasks to bring them to successful completion.

Regular exercise (even just 10 minutes a day) improves sleep quantity and quality and increases mental alertness. Spending time exercising can help you find time as you rest better and approach each task with more clarity and focus.  Schedule your rest and exercise on your Must Do list!

By practicing these eight time management strategies, you’ll be well on your way to becoming your most productive (and less stressed) you.  Plus, you’ll find more time for fun and relaxation. To learn more about tools to help you in your pursuit of skillful time management, visit istratus.com.

Guarding Our Time

Time is one of our most precious resources and often the most challenging one to protect as life begins to return to post-pandemic “normal”.

We might have felt more productive while isolated and working from home.  As it turns out most of us worked longer, but somewhat less efficiently. 

Let’s face it, emails, messages, news articles, and social media continued to hack our attention.

The new “hybrid” phase of balancing in-office and remote work adds even more complexity. There is pressure to address things such as responding to emails quickly, check out the latest news on Twitter, or even walk the dog. 

Ultimately, the distractions that can imitate productive uses of time, are far less productive than we think.

The iStratus App aims to protect your time against noise and distractions. In this article, we will provide some practical ideas to optimize your time and stay productive as well.

Define Your Goals 

Outlining distractions is rather challenging and varies with each individual. Thus we suggest beginning by identifying your goals. 

A goal might be to finalize a pressing project or search for a new job. Essentially a distraction is anything that sidelines you from achieving that core goal.

Use iStratus to evaluate your “To Do’s” and record reminders of ways to moderate your work time and objectives against your goals and the distractions that become immediately obvious. Could emails, for instance, be moderated? These can easily begin to merge into looking a lot like someone else’s checklist if you allow it.

Identify Focus

Defined goals are one thing, however, the reality is, it’s unlikely you allocate the time to address your priorities. You’re not alone. It happens to the best of us.

Thus to discover what’s working and what isn’t, perhaps adding undue stress, we suggest creating a list in iStratus of everything you undertake at work and how much time you usually spend addressing each item. 

Do this for at least a week to track details. This process should help to identify the specific distractions that evaporate time you could otherwise spend working towards your main goals. This helps us stay motivated to keep taking one step at a time.

The Social Media Diet

The algorithm of “likes, comments, clicks, and click bait” of other users within our social media networks determines what emerges in our feed. 

Automatically, this becomes your information diet. 

Do you find this a distraction that eats into your time? 

Use this tool to network amongst experts. Quality journalism has high expectations to clear. It’s not a newsflash that random news posts across social media don’t follow this same protocol. 

To help you avoid the distraction blues and advice on how to maintain productivity follow us at, iStratus on Facebook here.

Routines Reduce Distractions

Often people think productivity equates to motivation. However, establishing strong habits and routines is just as central to the process of combating distractions, as motivation is. Even the most disciplined, ambitious people succumb to their devices. No doubt you’re tempted to check certain apps every time you grab the phone. 

  • Set those time blocks and reminders in iStratus, before you pick your phone up to check that email app or Facebook. 
  • Try your best to check off those necessary slots first.
  • Perhaps, create a folder known as “distractions.”

Be OK, With Saying NO.

“No” is an important word. We’ve mentioned this a couple of times in previous articles. However, it is worth repeating because it truly is a central rule for success and depletion of distractions.

By saying “No,” you are saying “Yes” to important goals and leaving more time available to execute them. 

Use iStratus to define workplace goals, and redirect and brainstorm objectives easier amongst all team members. Having a clear direction helps to easily identify when saying “no” to a new project or task that competes with or overrides those higher priorities.

“Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view… meet to gossip or share ideas.

On the other hand, we bossed ourselves around…demanded longer hours than office jobs usually entail.

It was the ultimate “flextime”, in that it depended on how flexible we felt each day, given deadlines, distractions, and workaholic crescendos.”


~ Diane Ackerman

So, if you have read this article through and take no action, you will have lost about ten minutes of your day. The pandemic bubble arrived and in many ways became a guard. However, we must embrace this world we’re in. Be social and schedule instances to do the things that are important in your life. Set the bar high for the value of your time. By focusing on what matters, you’re more likely to experience improved outputs and maintain productivity. 

Set some new goals and ruthlessly protect them from those distractions around you.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Multitasking Mania 

It’s crazy how life takes hold of us – really, truly – it is. Today, it has become commonplace to feel the need to reach a certain level of “multitasking mania” of whatever, to be “successful” or productive. 

Let’s rephrase, we have gotten into the mentality that we have to be achieving 15 things at once for the day to be truly made worthwhile. 

Why do so many of us still insist on undertaking multiple things at once as a way of increasing our productivity? 

Technology was supposedly invented to make our lives easier, not motivate us to simultaneously communicate, engage and work across six different platforms or technologies. Yet, that’s exactly what’s happened.

There are numerous studies, which have explored the effects of how multitasking fundamentally increases the stress and anxiety within our daily lives, which then of course, negatively impacts our mood, motivation, and productivity.

To this end, it all becomes counterproductive! 

The crux: iStratus is here to help reduce your need to multitask. Prioritizing is always key to avoiding the mind boggle. In this article, we’re going to address 5 worthy reasons why you should begin switching your multitasking habits more towards “solo-tasking” instead.

  1. Multi Tasks = Multi Mistakes

Logically, when undertaking several things at once, your mind is divided between them all, so it’s a typical knock-on effect that errors will multiply. According to research in the UK, multitasking makes filtering out irrelevant information difficult. In the end, there will undoubtedly be some cross-firing and mental mix-ups between tasks.

Can we afford these mistakes? Likely not. Thus, each task should have full attention, solo.

  1. Your Brain is in Overload Mode

By juggling multiple objectives at once, your mind simply isn’t fully focused on any given task. Have you ever been introduced to someone new and then instantly forgotten what their name was? 

– Hands up folks.

This happens because our mind is distracted by something else and doesn’t retain that new piece of information provided.

This inability to concentrate can indeed impact your professional life but there are implications upon the personal aspects as well. When we’re not living in the present, we are essentially only half-available.

  1. Creativity is Stifled

You may recall, we’ve mentioned in previous iStratus articles focussing on too many tasks at once, your working memory is left conjuring up ideas and concepts. 

When that overload occurs we stop accessing other areas of our frontal lobe that are there to be used for critical thinking and creativity.

  1. Multitasking is a Waste of Time

In an attempt to complete small, seemingly insignificant tasks while trying to close out a larger one, the mind has to reset itself each time it shifts from task to task.

Therefore we are unable to maintain what’s known as our “flow states”. You have probably experienced this before. For example:

While reading an email working from home, the phone rings, kids require feeding or the dog needs a wee walk that cannot wait. 

An hour and a half an hour later, you find yourself back at your laptop having to re-read that email, surprised by how much you’ve already forgotten due to the interruption. 

Increasing that feeling of anxiety, which habitually plagues people who regularly have to divide their attention multiple ways.

Professionally, maintaining flow states undeniably increases productivity!

  1. Are You Living?

The truth is: Connecting with your immediate surroundings or interacting fully with other human beings is what gives us can that sense of deep fulfillment.

By considering the reasons listed above it’s quite easy to see why the idea of effective multitasking is a bit of a myth.

“Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you’re going to use it by knowing…what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

As humans, we want to accomplish things that matter. 

So, what do you do from here? iStratus recommends these methods to strengthen productivity and cut back your stress levels:

  • Keep your work routine structured as best you can throughout the day. For instance: Undertake those more creative tasks in the morning, then take a short coffee or tea break, before proceeding to address each task you need to complete. (Separately of course)!
  • Share some of your weekly goals and accomplishments with family and friends. When you publicly commit to achieving certain priorities it often motivates you to finalize things on your To-Do List. Acknowledging achievements helps too.
  • Pause checking your emails every hour or three. Avoid “running” to answer your emails immediately. Sometimes it’s necessary to “train” people (yourself included) not to expect immediate responses. You need time and space to focus on the things that require addressing in the now!

Are you still convinced multitasking is productive? We’re not so sure it is. Why not try letting iStratus become your one stop-app for avoiding “multitasking mania”?

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Time Management For Moms

What do you do when motherhood is your greatest gift, but it eats into minutes of your day so there’s no room for much else?

Time Management For Moms

As a working Mom, “life’s busy”, is an understatement. Chances are, the life you had pre-kids leaves the very definition of “busy” in its wake. Spare time is now both elusive and valuable.

As mentioned above, motherhood is one of the greatest gifts a woman will ever experience, however along with it comes the immense pressure of holding up “the fort” and everyone in it. In most cases, Moms, have their lives choreographed right down to the last minute, just to fit everything in.  But, for a minute or 10, what about upholding Mom herself?

No bones about it, it’s not selfish for Moms to consider their well-being for a moment. The truth is, even the busiest Moms can create some space for breathing room aside from even the craziest day on the planet. 

Fifteen Minutes Of Peace

Whether for work, for others or to care for themselves (the latter is best), a bunch can be achieved in those “sacred minutes.”— For working Moms, a 15-minute window can have an hour’s worth of potential to “chill”.

Our tips below, aren’t exactly anything new for “finding time”, however, we do hope working Moms find some useful ways of doing more with iStratus to take 5 precious minutes, with less time available. We honestly think – Moms Rule!

Set Boundaries with Work Hours

Life commitments and work responsibilities will fluctuate, so it’s important to verify what expectations there are. If your boss typically calls or emails after hours, you need to decide whether this is suitable and what your boundaries are. Sticking to your calendared timeslots makes your work schedule clear. It’s ok to set weekends exclusively for the family if you’re able to.

Set Realistic Daily Goals

A To-Do List is useless if it’s unattainable. Use iStratus to record achievable tasks only.

What’s the benefit of overwhelming yourself? Set daily goals that are realistic enough to finish. Don’t forget, nothing is set in concrete, you can “roll-over” tasks, and/or if you have time to, you can always address more than was planned.

Avoid Multitasking 

Focusing on the task at hand increases performance. When you’re at work, try not to worry about your son or daughter’s calculus homework, or forwarding your spouse, the weekly shopping list from iStratus for Saturday. Address that on Saturday.

Perfection Doesn’t Exist

Therefore it’s unachievable. Instead of holding on to intangible ideals (aka being the “perfect” Mom), use iStratus to establish practical goals for yourself. Schedule that yoga session you’ve been delaying today.

Be Present

Speaking of yoga: Mindfulness and practices such as meditation improve focus, which drives productivity. Block time in iStratus to relax and avoid burnout at both home and work. Embrace the method that speaks to you and zone in.

Set Time For Sleep

If nothing else, prioritize your sleep so that you can thrive, not bomb dive. Schedule sleep like you would any other activity and commit to a reasonable bedtime (for you and the kids too. It’s worth it for everyone). That way, the next day is functional. Ultimately time is wasted with sleep deprivation.

Take Hiatuses From Cyberspace

Surfing the net can be a major time killer for both parents and children. A “little” break can evolve into hours, there’s no way of getting back. We recommend, setting reminders in iStratus to establish limits on family screen time and then make it a habit to unplug once that limit is reached.

The Power of “No.”

Saying no can feel intimidating, however, it’s a skill that frees up time on your agenda you wouldn’t otherwise have. Furthermore, enforcing your limits teaches your kids the value of clear boundaries and priorities too.

Let It Go – And There’s That Word Again: “Delegate”

Relinquishing control and learning to let someone else “handle it” is tough, but it is also necessary to allow other people to pitch in and pull their weight. Delegating tasks is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it’s important to have support from your network.

“Let it go” and consent to other people in your life managing their responsibilities. This includes children, spouses, and colleagues.

“The time to relax is – when you don’t have time for it.”
~ Sidney J. Harris

With effective organizing and planning in iStratus, you can “get it done” in time as a mom — and still have those precious moments of freedom left over. Just think smart (you know how to) and implement a few rules into your daily routine. 

Once you do, you’ll discover there’s always room for something new, exciting, and compassionate towards yourself. You’ve more than earned it and you deserve it. Moms rule!

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Take Action From “High To Low”

Whether it’s brilliant ideas or the exciting possibilities that await us, most of us have many more activities noted on our “bucket lists,” than the time readily available to work on them.  In short, there’s never enough time to do everything we want to do. It’s a universal hitch.

We can easily bog ourselves down in time-depleting, low-yield tasks that prevent us from moving forward. 

In a world where alerts and notifications pop up on us for everything under the sun, it is imperative to distinguish which alerts are critical and which alerts can be addressed later. 

It really doesn’t matter which technique you use. In our App, you can blend parts of different techniques to create your own custom method that feels right, and get to work.

Read on to take action on your priorities. Check-in on that bucket list. Let iStratus, help you structure things from “high to low” to make the most of your time, and keep it flowing that way, today…

What’s The Priority?

You have 40 tasks upon your list, and before the “worst-case scenario” towards underachievement rears its ugly head, ask yourself: Which one of those things is the most important?

For iStratus, our prioritization “Flags” and “High to Low” preferences support your answer to that question, with an immediate method for quickly evaluating the necessity of each task on your list. We believe, through informed decision making, you’re more likely to: 

  • Do what is required to complete tasks.
  • Recognize what you don’t need to do, and as we like to say: “Roll Up”.
  • Work out exactly when you need to focus on certain tasks and
  • Accomplish what needs addressing next in line.

Prioritization Tackles Two Significant Matters:

Everything is Critical! If you feel like you spend your day extinguishing fires, because everything is considered to be “urgent”, at work or home – we hear you!

Use iStratus to establish a succinct prioritized list and regain control of your own time, pushing back any unreasonable last-minute expectations or requests.

Prioritized lists can be an effective armor against delays and distractions. For instance, any new, work-related ‘urgent’ demands can potentially be refuted with evidence of clear priorities, and the cuts that would be required for such accommodations. In the long run, prioritization and productivity should aim to be improved, even if, it’s in the smallest of ways. Our brains love to procrastinate and deter us from accomplishing important work.

Speaking of: Should you really answer that email? It’s not rocket science, if you constantly enable incoming emails to influence your list of priorities, you’ll find it difficult to get ahead. That’s not to say recurring important documents needing attention should be ignored. 

We simply mean, sometimes a delayed reply to an email is justified when you’re attending to what needs to be focused on first and foremost.

“Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking.”

~ R. Buckminster Fuller

Rate It, We Say.

Thinking about the ‘High to Low’ points we mentioned earlier, research suggests, the MoSCoW process (pronounced like Russia’s Capital) is a humble technique for the resourceful distribution of every task into one of four categories:

  • M – The Must Do’s (M): Are rated as such for immediate attention.
  • S – The Should Do’s (S): Are the ‘Should Do’ tasks that are important, but they’re not as critical.
  • C – The Could Do’s (C): Are the cream of the crop, kind of To-Do’s. You’d like to do them, but if you don’t, it’s unlikely to be a big deal.
  • W – The Won’t Do’s (W): Are things that really aren’t worth doing. Hello, procrastination!

Use the MoSCoW technique in Stratus, to evaluate your To-Do list. By the end, you should be able to see your tasks inflow, from top to bottom in accordance with their priority. Any W tasks should be deleted.

If you consistently address your list from the top-down, you’ll always feel a sense of focus and direction.

Hey, by the way – we recognize, some days you might feel off base, and that’s okay. Remember, there’s always more than one way of doing things. 

You might find, iStratus works better for you in 5 Simple Steps known as the “Ivy Method”:

  1. Conclude every workday identifying the six most crucial tasks remaining on your list for tomorrow.
  2. Order those in terms of priority.
  3. Set to work in the morning, focusing on task number one until it’s done.
  4. Complete tasks in sequential order.
  5. Continue until all six tasks are complete (preferably). Repeat this process daily.

Bottom line: Do what works. 

Which elements work best for you?

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Keep Calm Through The Crazy

calm through crazy

What is your favorite ritual?

We all have a way of finding peace in our lives. Now, that’s not about connecting to one’s secret inner hippy, with all that light and love stuff.

Simply put, the busier, the crazier the world becomes around us, the more grounded we need to feel. Finding that sense of calm throughout the crazy, makes all the difference.

Who knows how life is going to turn out? Being organized is one approach that provides us with a sense of stability in this uncertain world. With iStratus we have the ability to be prepared and stay that way.

So… How Can We Keep Calm Throughout The Crazy?

Would you dare to apply that favorite ritual, to your agenda?

The iStratus Organizer is here to help. Designed to keep you on track, with the multitude of tasks we’re expected to juggle –To Keep Calm Throughout the Crazy, finding that balance in what is simply life.

With its multifaceted interface, you can easily and efficiently use the iStratus Organizer to:

  • Notate a clear “To Do” List, in order of priority, with a click of a button.

  • Generate reminders to send follow-up emails.

  • Effortlessly set multiple alarms to navigate schedules that always have you on the go. Whether it’s supporting your kids with multiple activities, or staying atop that crazy college schedule, iStratus has you covered.

  • Create seamless shopping lists for the household meal plan, which does not have to be complicated. Keeping it light, and easy.

  • Quickly coordinate appointments you need to attend for yourself. The process is as simple as you can get.

Leaving a little time for that favorite ritual. Yes, you should!

5 Benefits of Being Organized:

Remember, balance is always key. Thus, there are simultaneously 5 beneficial elements of being organized with iStratus for creating calm:

Stress Relief

Experts suggest an endless list of “things to do” constantly invading your headspace is a major source of stress on the tipping scale of life. It may seem obvious (but not necessarily easy) that becoming organized lessens that pesky weight upon our shoulders.

Bustle.com says, one of the most productive things that can be done is simply tracking your day.

Anyone can take three hours to complete a task, largely because of the task itself or because of the interruptions allowed.

Simple adjustments to your lifestyle and timing using iStratus can help reduce the “stressors” in your life.

De-Clutter, Sleep Better

Clutter creates chaos. Even if you don’t realize it, clutter in your bedroom can result in the loss of Zzzzzzzz’s. Furthermore, if you are disorganized you may unintentionally become a night owl, staying awake later to do something last minute, or worrying about everything that needs to be addressed.

Use iStratus to de-clutter, schedule that time, and stick to it. Organize the clutter in your life to lessen that endless ‘chaotic craziness’ invading your precious dreams to sleep longer and deeper at night.

A Healthier Lifestyle

When you’ve planned out your meals, you’re less likely to forget to eat,  avoiding hunger pangs, which flows through to impulsive consumption. You’re also more inclined to find motivation for physical fitness if you plan time on the schedule for it. Increase those necessary endorphins for better health. Who’s up for a triathlon?

Essential ‘Me Time’

We’ve finally arrived at that favorite ritual, we’ve mentioned! Perhaps it’s PB on toast or a warm cup of Tea? (Sometimes, the simplest things mean the most). We frequently leave ourselves until last! You can put yourself on your own agenda when you actually make time for it!

It’s difficult to be at your best for anyone else – family, friends, colleagues – if you’re running on fumes. Bustle.com advises it doesn’t matter what you do – it matters that you do it.

Try the iStratus App for prioritizing time to do something you enjoy. Coffee anyone?

“Create the kind of climate in your organization [processes] where personal growth is expected, recognized and rewarded.”
 ~ Author Unknown

Be More Productive Professionally

Let’s be honest, disorganization is un-motivating. Along with clearing out the clutter in your home life, it also gives you the energy to focus on what’s required during office hours. If you’re feeling tired of four walls, try taking a few minutes to organize your iCalendar or filing your emails.

Did you know that iStratus easily allows you to file photographic evidence with paperwork for an appointment or task? Once it’s where it belongs, you won’t be yelling at your phone, whilst searching inboxes for the information you require at the Doctor’s Office.

A little effort goes a long way. Spending a few minutes each day getting organized makes a difference towards being healthier, happier, and calmer throughout the crazy!

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Revitalize Your Workspace with ‘Balance’

What does your day look like? Are you balancing?

 No, not checks. Yourself. Whether we’re one month down or six months into the year, it’s always a good time to revisit personal values. If you have found yourself feeling overwhelmed or dissatisfied this past year, (it’s normal, whatever that is? However, let’s not digress).

Simply put, aside from external circumstances, often doubt arises from not upholding the personal values and goals you set for yourself during day-to-day life.

Before time slips away, it’s worth taking a few minutes within your day to reflect on what your personal values and goals are to revitalize your daily routine.

As cliché as it may seem, there’s no escaping the fact, feeling accomplished is a value in life, which increases happiness.

Here are five tips on how creating a functional workspace with iStratus, can honor your values:


Being aware of your values in decision-making also holds you accountable for choices.

The iStratus ‘Daily Drop Box’ helps set things out. So next time a new project lands on your desk, use iStratus to establish a ‘sketch’ of your values before saying, “Yes” or “No”.

Following through with a clear direction could lead to an unexpected outcome where you aren’t compromising what is truly important to you.


Ah yes, an iStratus favorite: Prioritization. Organize your workspace planning by re-arranging “To-Do’s” that honor your values first.

Endless “To-Do’s” often make it more difficult to accomplish tasks. Thus, instead of bringing order to the chaos of life, it can actually lead to feeling the opposite, like you’re not accomplishing anything.

iStratus Recommends: 

  • Prioritizing your “To-Do’s”, with your top two or three values. These could be anything. For example, improved fitness, creativity, or family time. Think about what matters to you most.

  • Tasks responding to unimportant items in your inbox should be completed following time spent tackling projects that are hanging over your head. 


Honestly, ‘work-life balance’ feels like a myth. As stifling as mapping out your values might seem, it will bring a bit of balance to your life, no matter how hectic or crazy it becomes.

The iStratus Workspace aims to support the process of applying your values within your schedule. When your week is filled with multiple activities, we feel storing important items with reminders on your phone can help re-create a balanced to-do list that honors values, on all levels.


It’s easy to get bogged down, especially when it feels like others are succeeding, where you’re struggling.

In time, we must take action for completion. Even mundane tasks can be done with heart, when we commit to what we do.

In iStratus, simplicity is the only shortcut. You still need to stick with your goals and values in order to see what is working and what isn’t. We feel this is a good thing! When you practice looking at your own values for achieving your goals, you’ll be living with sincerity.


Happiness comes back to making time for positive planning, prioritizing and holding yourself accountable. The ability to find balance and live authentically, all leads to a happier you.

Find the right fit. Spend some time using iStratus to kick-start your value-based goal setting today.

Like everything in life, there are two sides to the coin or plan. Pro’s and Con’s are key to revitalizing your workspace with iStratus:

Position The Positive

  • Planning is a Guide for Action: Coordinated and focused actions work because they apply specific outcomes.

  • Plans Facilitate Commitment: Planning reduces uncertainty. Clear expectations become a win for commitment, working towards goals and subsequent rewards.

  • Plans Establish Performance Standards: Planning outlines desired outcomes as well as mileposts to define progress. Growth is always fundamental.

A Few Drawbacks – 

To planning that iStratus aims to reduce:

  • Planning Prevents Action: “Death (figuratively) by planning” exists. Planning does little good if it doesn’t lead to functionality.

  • Planning Leads to Complacency: Solid plans can lead to believing the ‘where to’ and ‘how to’ is concrete, causing lapses in progress. Remember, planning is not a one-time process. Continual implementation and modification arei critical.

  • Plans Inhibit Creativity/Flexibility: If something isn’t working, scrap it from the folder. Success comes from innovation and organization, however, it shouldn’t inhibit you from applying creativity or intuitiveness.

Progress is rarely made through random activity. Plans are not objectives, but a means to an objective. The iStratus App is designed to help you make headway.

When you revitalize your workspace ‘balance’ with a whole new modality for the future, it’s got to be a good thing.



Live life and roll well with iStratus.