Every day we engage in the world of cyberspace, and consequently, there are risks associated with security breaches for people and businesses all over the world that are appearing in media headlines. These attacks reveal the vulnerability of our data and the lack of robust security strategies in organizations, regardless of size.
Overall, data security is vital to the well-being of businesses. Operations and records require protection. If compromised, reputation and fiscal damages occur.
In this article, we’ll look at ways iStratus protects you and your data.
It’s Why We Encrypt
In today’s world, people increasingly conduct their work on mobile or personal devices. Do we ensure our app is trustworthy and secure? Yes, all data is stored in an encrypted format and remains encrypted whenever it is stored in the ‘Password Vault’ or during migrations.
Begin with Strong Passwords
Create passwords that are long, complex, and varied. Specifically, passwords must be at least 8 characters long, include a mix of letters, non-sequential numbers, special characters, and ideally be as nonsensical as possible. In a point-blank attack, hackers try combinations of millions of dictionary words and numbers per second until one brings up a hit.
Implementing strong passwords is the first step to take in strengthening security in this space, to protect and prevent access to sensitive and valuable data. We recommend changing passwords at least every 90 days. Avoid using passwords like “1234567” or “Password1,” or having them written down for people to find.
Delete Any Redundant Data
We suggest deleting information and files you don’t use or need to access regularly. Applications like ours deal with sensitive information constantly as an essential element of our business. With appropriate information deletion or disposal mechanisms in place, this helps prevent stale data from being forgotten about and stolen at a later date. Erasing or otherwise modifying redundant data to be indecipherable also ensures it’s not stashed away somewhere it shouldn’t be.
Update Operating Systems and Applications Regularly
Having the most up-to-date iOS or version of an app is often the best way to ensure data is adequately patched and protected. Security with iStratus is regularly revised to ensure encryption is functioning adequately. We always recommend having the most recent update available. Since hackers and phishers are constantly adapting their approaches to exploit weaknesses in earlier software, it is advisable to update these applications frequently as possible.
Back-up Your Data Habitually
To this end, it also pays to back up your data frequently. It is not new information that this should already be a crucial part of your own IT security. With secure backups in place, you can survive essentially everything from accidental file deletion to bug-lockdowns.
Secure ALL Social Media Applications
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are fun and engaging ways to communicate with all networks these days. However, to continue safely, it’s recommended you review the privacy settings of each account periodically to protect the privacy rights of any information purposely or inadvertently shared.
It’s important to know who can see what, where, and which platform is sharing what data you have and with whom.
Check the Privacy Policy of Apps
iOS applications automatically enforce regulations for all users through their HTTPS, but the same cannot be guaranteed for Android apps.
It’s best to either check out the privacy policy or inspect the website for an official stamp from a data protection organization.
iStratus, as we’ve expressed repeatedly applies encryption to secure and protect any data you send online from hackers, network snoopers, and also third parties. We do not store or share your information anywhere.
Be Vigilant Against Phishing or Similar Scams
Databases with personal information are a goldmine of information. A phishing scam relies on tricks into replying or clicking on a link in a bogus email or text message to spread malware, steal credentials, or even worse. We all receive these kinds of text messages daily.
The reality is, Cybercriminals will use unprotected information to attain fraudulent loans, steal identities, and infect entire networks, crashing them entirely. We don’t envision this happening with iStratus, however
“A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness.”
~ Ann Radcliffe (1764 – 1823)
What’s The Best Solution? Prevention!
In current times, always be on the safe side and never click on links in COVID-19-themed emails for example. You can typically detect a phishing scam by reading the sender’s address. However, as life is often hectic, most of us would be none the wiser at first glance. Be aware, iStratus won’t ever send you emails. Another clue is often errors appear within text from automated bots.
Vigilance is the key essential.