- Check.
How can one little word and symbol be so satisfying to see? We love the productivity of Checklists. Needless to say, a key purpose of the iStratus Organizer App and its Checklists ensure the process is even simpler.
Checklist or Not to Checklist?
Generally speaking, checklists entail a set of statements that correspond to specific criteria and indications of the action required. They may be “single-use” or designed for repeated usage.
With a single tap, a checkmark appears in iStratus Organizer App to keep your daily, weekly, monthly tasks in order, avoiding the backlog of those “To Do’s” that can overwhelm our lives.
Often it’s easier to prioritize things of importance and relevance when you apply checklists. To checklist or not to checklist? Bottom line: Checklisting works.
6 Reasons Why iStratus Checklists Work:
When using checklists you’re likely to make fewer mistakes, as every action to be taken is clear and concise.
Complete repetitive tasks more efficiently and quickly.
Increase productiveness with more time in a day to accomplish multiple important tasks.
Organization is one of our favorite words and we hope that by using the iStratus Organizer it quickly becomes one of yours too.
With an accurately configured checklist:
No steps in a process will be skipped or forgotten
Multi-tasking remains more systematized
All your items and necessary tasks are synchronized in one place.
It allows effective scheduling so that nothing “slips through the cracks.”
Major tasks become smaller and more specific in terms of priority.
Providing comfort and confidence that all tasks will be completed more effectively and correctly, increasing yet again, our productivity.
We’re not running a marathon to take out the Gold however, using iStratus for checklists motivate people towards success because they also:
Encourage us to take timely action and complete our daily tasks
Even with the smallest achievements and that faithful checkmark, our brains release dopamine, a positive chemical associated with enthusiasm, learning, and pleasure.
Evidence from The Harvard Business Review suggests we are more likely to repeat the activities that lead to success. (Yes, we are creatures of habit, who really just want to make the world a better place). Together in an ever-changing world, we use can motivation to do good and consciously be ready to accomplish greater things. iStratus strives to achieve better results, and we want you to be part of that too.
Creativity For Clarity
Ticking off a checklist results in less stress and fewer ‘Groundhog Day’ moments.
By mastering the tedious, repetitive tasks more effectively, you’ll be free and able to apply improved focus and brainpower for creative activities.
With a little extra free time and fewer things competing for attention within your mind, you will have greater clarity.
Excellence Is Fundamental
When nothing is forgotten, the quality of your work and life often exceeds expectations. Feel better about the daily grind.
Finding The Right Fit
Essentially there are three main types of Checklists:
Procedural Checklists: Highlight the steps that must be followed in sequential order;
Project Checklists: Indicate tasks that must be completed; and
Communication Checklists: Encourage communication in organizations, which is great for prioritizing those notes to support your weekly meetings.
With iStratus you can design a list that best fits the intended purpose. Feel free to click for yourself. The choice is yours.
Checks Equal Balance
Obviously, we want our App to simplify your life and provide a feeling of satisfaction, checks equal balance. In order to achieve this, our main tips, using the iStratus Checklist approach are:
Tick off checklists as you go
Allow your checklists to be flexible. It’s ok not to achieve every item at once!
Don’t micromanage yourself. Stick with the process. Trust in your direction. Not everything is always Black and White.
For the workplace, collaborate your ideas! Constructive feedback can be an invaluable part of the process for achieving goals.
Checking In With Your Checklist
There is always room for improvement. We practice what we preach, using our own iStratus tools.
Checklists are an invaluable tool and work in a wide variety of circumstances and industries.
Covering ground so that you are prepared for almost anything. Even highly complex tasks can feel like a walk in the park.
Will you begin some Checklist Chatter?
Brave it. Give it a Go. Checklist along with us.
“The constant free flow of communication amount us – enabling the free interchange of ideas – forms the very bloodstream of our nation. It keeps the mind and body of our democracy eternally vital, eternally young.”
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Live life and roll well with iStratus.