Make Your Mental Health A Priority

May is Mental Health Awareness month. At iStratus, we specialize in helping you simplify your life through our 6-in-1 app. But did you know that we are big fans of self-care as well? That’s right. One of our favorite ways to use the app is to schedule our exercise, our meals, and even our downtime. Now, we are going to share 10 mental health self-care tips to help you make your mental health a priority.

1. Get enough sleep

Most people need around eight hours of sleep per night.  Consider going to bed and waking up at the same time each day to help regulate your body’s natural sleep rhythm. If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, consider changing the environment.  Add a white noise machine.  Close your shades to make the room darker.  Turn down the temperature or add a fan.  Do whatever it takes to get to sleep.

2. Eat healthy

Eating nutritious foods helps your body to function at its best.  Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. One of the ways we use the iStratus app to help with this is by tracking our food.  Especially the last meal of the day.  We found that certain foods made sleeping more difficult.  Now we avoid those foods before bedtime.

3. Exercise regularly

Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.  A moderate amount of exercise is the key to maintaining mental health and well-being. Keep in mind that even a relaxing 30-minute walk can help.  Don’t think you have to get a gym membership, buy fancy spandex outfits, or invest in a coach. Nope. All you need to do is go for a walk.

4. Take breaks 

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a few minutes to yourself to relax and rejuvenate.  Take a hot bath, read your favorite book, or take a walk outdoors. In our last post, we wrote about meditation.  Spending a few minutes of your break to meditate might be just what you need.

5. Connect with loved ones

Spending time with loved ones can help reduce stress and promote positive mental health.  Whether you stay in touch via text, social media, or in person, quality time with those you care about is crucial for a healthy mind. And might we suggest you avoid those energy vampires.  You know the ones who suck the energy right out of a room.  You deserve people who lift you up, not tear you down.

6. Do something you enjoy

Make time for activities that make you happy.  This could include hobbies, listening to music, playing sports, or anything else that brings joy into your life. Not sure what you love, start being adventurous, and try new activities until you hit exactly the thing for you.  It might surprise you. Underwater basket weaving, anyone?

7. Volunteer

Helping others has been shown to improve mental health and overall satisfaction with life.  Find a cause that is important to you and consider giving your time to make a difference. We recently met a lovely lady at Charity Connect who pairs people with the charity that makes their souls happy. If an organized volunteer position doesn’t suit you, look around.  Find someone who needs your help.  You might be surprised to find the number of people who are just dying for an extra set of hands to help with handyman work, grocery shopping, or mowing the lawn.

8. Reduce stress

Stress can have a negative impact on mental health.  Identify activities that help you relax and make an effort to incorporate them into your daily routine.  This could include yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. It could also be singing, dancing, or even just saying no to some of the things that are overwhelming you.  Remember, you are worth it. 

9. Seek professional help

If you are struggling with mental health issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for help.  Therapy can be an extremely effective way to address mental health concerns and promote wellbeing. If you had a sore throat or a fever, you would go to the doctor. Mental health is health.  It’s okay to seek help.

10. Take care of your physical health

Physical health and mental health are interconnected.  Make sure to schedule regular checkups with your doctor and get adequate exercise and rest.  By taking care of your physical health, you are also taking care of your mental health.

Mental health month is only one-twelfth of the year.  Don’t let it be the only time you make your mental health a priority.  You deserve to be taken care of.

Live life and roll well with iStratus. Take care of your mental health and download the iStratus app today!

Is Meditation The Answer?

At iStratus, we talk a lot about productivity, cybersecurity, and efficiency. Our app is meant to help with all of these. But we also know that people who use our apps are looking for ways to simplify their lives. They are looking for ways to bring a little peace to their hectic schedules. So, today we are taking a different approach. Today, we want to talk about taking just a few minutes every day to add meditation, why you will be glad you did, and how to get started.

Why You Should Meditate

1. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.

Today’s world can be busy. Some of our customers tell us that when they wake up, they feel like a starting gun has gone off and they won’t stop again until they get back in the bed at the end of the day.  This constant sense of busyness can lead to too much stress and anxiety. When you meditate, your body releases feel-good hormones like serotonin that help to calm and relax your mind.

2. Meditation can improve focus and concentration.

How often do you find yourself struggling to find the words to finish a sentence, looking everywhere to find your phone only to realize it’s in your hand, or late for an appointment because you simply forgot. Regular meditation can help with that. Meditation can boost mental clarity, helping you stay focused on the task at hand, and more easily avoid distractions.

3. Meditation has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function.

Research has found that regular meditation can enhance various aspects of brain functioning, such as learning, memory, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. We can all use a little help in this area, right?

4. Meditation can increase empathy and compassion towards others.

Whether you are a mom trying to juggle a thousand tasks, an employer trying to manage a growing business, or a college student trying to cram for exams and still have a social life, chances are you have found yourself overwhelmed by the busyness of life that you have snapped at a friend or loved one out of pure impatience.  By practicing mindfulness during meditation, you not only feel less stress but are better able to understand the perspectives of others and approach challenging situations with kindness and compassion.

5. Meditation can help to regulate emotions and reduce negative thinking.

Through meditation, you can learn to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and how to better manage them. This can lead to a more positive outlook on life overall.

6. Meditation supports physical health by promoting relaxation.

When you meditate, your body enters a state of deep rest that helps to improve circulation, lower blood pressure, and decrease the production of stress hormones.

7. Meditation can boost immunity.

Research has shown that regular meditation can help to improve immune function by increasing the activity of antibodies and white blood cells that fight infection.

8. Meditation can ease pain and discomfort.

By helping to focus attention away from physical pain, meditation can provide relief and promote healing.

9. Meditation can help you sleep better.

By calming the mind and reducing stress and anxiety, meditation can help to improve sleep quality and duration.

10. Meditation is easy to learn and practice, no matter your age or experience level.

Whether you choose guided meditation, a silent practice, or a simple breathing exercise, there are countless benefits to be gained from adding regular meditation into your routine. So what are you waiting for? Start meditating today!

How To Start Meditating

If you are interested in learning how to start meditating, there are a few steps that you can follow to get started.

1. The first step is to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and relax your body.

This may involve using cushions or blankets for support or simply finding a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed.

2. Once you have settled into a relaxed position, begin by focusing on your breathing.

You can try taking deep, slow breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, paying attention to how your body feels with each inhale and exhale.

3. As you continue to focus on your breathing, allow any distracting thoughts or feelings to pass through your mind without getting caught up in them.

Instead, simply observe them and then let them go.

4. If your mind begins to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath.

Over time, you’ll find that it becomes easier to keep your attention on the present moment.

5. Once you feel ready to finish, gradually open your eyes and take a few moments to orient yourself before getting up from your meditation space.

With regular practice, you will eventually be able to extend the length of time that you can meditate. In the meantime, even taking just a few minutes out of each day to focus on your breath can have benefits for both your mind and body. So why not give it a try? You may be surprised at how much better you feel.

Live life and roll well with iStratus. Download the iStratus app today!

Applying Knowledge

“Applying Knowledge” – this sounds just a little “blasé” doesn’t it? 

However, knowledge is exactly what we need for effective productivity. Honestly, without knowledge, we’d be lost. Over the last three decades, traditional methods of productivity and collaboration have undergone significant changes. These changes were influenced by cultural, social, and technological advances. The ability to analyze, plan, and organize has emerged as a principal source for developing what’s within our minds and memories.

iStratus aims to support one’s knowledge to escape the monotony of “what once was” and generate simple and effective changes. Life becomes less overwhelming because we can check things off the list and in turn, relax with information. The vast amount of material we have crammed into our brains is promptly forgotten, which is rather astonishing.

Why does this happen, you wonder? It is because relevant connections are lost and so the information we’re delivered just doesn’t stick. In this article, we’ll discuss how knowledge is best cultivated, maintained, and applied within iStratus to effectively increase our feeling of productivity.

Engagement is Key 

So how do we engage in things we’re bored with? This might seem like a rudimentary, over-roasted, or redundant question. Yet, engagement is not something that miraculously materializes within us, nor is it necessarily executed successfully. Nonetheless, holding one’s interest is central to it all. Knowing what engages us in what we do is important to ensure something works and we are being productive in succession. We aim to make iStratus visually appealing so that you enjoy using it. If you have any suggestions as to how we could improve our App, we’d love to hear from you! We want to improve how information is delivered to you! We believe enjoyment is the key to knowledge applied by every individual.

“In completing one discovery we never fail to get an imperfect knowledge of others of which we could have no idea before so that we cannot solve one doubt without creating several new ones.”

~Joseph Priestly

Significant Strategies For Applying Knowledge and Productivity 

We want you to feel empowered by your application of knowledge, skills, and practices to ensure productivity. We all know the importance of goals and outcomes. When we are effectively organized, we all can clearly problem solve. Thus this enables us to think critically, work collaboratively, and communicate effectively with a rational, well-balanced mindset. Armed with knowledge, things are easier to fathom. In turn, this also means taking ownership of the process and one’s willingness to expand the mind. Applying technology apps like ours may seem like an impossible undertaking and something foreign. However, like all things in today’s modern world, it can become concurrent with what you already know.

Once Again We Love Empowering

We feel like we say this like a broken record, but we have to stay actively organized for success and to reach meaningful goals. Regardless of what we must address, applying our experience, knowledge, and understanding helps us objectively set our checklists more towards being productive, efficient, and able to solve potential problems which might arise.

Contextualize: Real Life

Aligned to the point above, there is significant evidence to support the fact that productivity is achieved when something is understood and becomes meaningful. Everything you apply within iStratus is in some way personally relevant. The objective is to ensure that we achieve something.

Making progress is important. Our actions acknowledge that everything is: related, everything we do matters, things must be sustainable, life is life, we must roll, be flexible, and on the same hand, maintain productivity. Every checkmark we make matters.

So let’s stay inspired and find the spark within a subject, notion, or task to ensure we “light up” and feel something in an intrinsically, personal way. Applying what we know to a task is satisfying. Our aspirations also need to be considered to achieve goals and our interests are what does this. 

“If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. The free mind is not a barking dog, to be tethered on a ten-foot chain.”

~Adlai E. Stevenson Jr

We’re a Wired Community: Technology is an Advantage 

At iStratus, we believe technology should be used purposefully to enhance productivity rather than simply automate processes. We need to work collaboratively and creatively to make notable connections within our lives. iStratus aims to be the major tool organizations, professionals, individuals, and students can use to make these types of connections. Today is the moment for us all to consciously invest in what we do.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Happy Hobbies

Humans are social beings, whether it’s with friends, family, or solo. It’s beneficial to engage ourselves in a happy hobby. According to an old cliché: “Hobbies help develop our tastes and our passions in life.”  The best part is they can be just about anything one enjoys. Diversity is the spice of life. 

Few hobbies are ever considered as being productive unless you’re fortunate enough to have incorporated your hobby into your work.  Those types of jobs usually allow one to become more effective and achieve greater happiness in life.

As you probably know, iStratus loves to enhance your proficiency and productivity.  We thought we’d share a list of happy hobbies that you could explore and perhaps schedule into your iStratus calendar.

Hiking or Exploring Trails

Hiking and adventures are usually weekend hobbies for people with a passion for experiencing the beauty of nature and wonder around us. There is much evidence readily available to indicate physical activity has positive effects on mental health. It can have a beneficial effect on your overall productivity at work and home. These types of hobbies allow us to clear our minds of worries and focus on the present.

Paint a Picture

Painting permits individuals to release their creative side. Painting allows connecting to thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. It can lend to some wonderful perspectives towards life. It can also even convert goals into something physical, even within the workplace. Grab a paintbrush! You may not be a master painter, but it’s still something creatively tangible and truly authentic of you.

Cooking Up a Storm 

Not everyone is destined to be the world’s greatest sous chef.  However, cooking culinary delights is one of the most beneficial hobbies out there and an experience everyone should consider dabbling in. Cooking is an escape from daily stresses as it forces us to focus entirely on the product and process at hand. Using iStratus, you can help plan your grocery list and meals well in advance. As a bonus, preparing food ahead of time also means you’re more productive than you thought.

Write. You Don’t Have To Be a Wordsmith

Writing with passion is an incredibly powerful and important form of self-expression. It can help to channel your energies into things you feel fervent about. Pour out your inner thoughts and dreams! Write anything, unlock your creative side, and be as productive and strong as possible.

Knit. It’s Not Just a Hobby For Grandma, Celebrities or Social “Influencers”

Grandma knew knitting was good stuff. Truthfully, Hollywood celebrities have nothing on her. There are plenty of knitters circles in the world – with good reason. Not only is knitting a satisfying pastime, but also it is a superb tool for improving productivity. It encourages planning skills that a modern-day workplace will utilize. Knitting promises a warm and cozy product at the end of your endeavors.

Woodwork is Craft of Creation

Whether it’s a mahogany bookshelf, a fancy pencil holder, or something truly beautiful, woodwork helps boost your self-esteem once the project is started and completed. It also helps increase your productivity in creating a focused vision of the product. Constructing something out of wood that is useful not only helps make life easier but also can make you happier in the process.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

It’s awesome to get into the groove. Dancing may not be considered the most useful hobby of all time. However, when you consider the amount of hard ward, sweat, and diligence that go into it, dance is no doubt a rewarding and beneficial hobby.  Learning routines and practicing movement highly helps promote mental and physical productivity. At the end of the day, it increases your happiness in your daily life.  

Garden Greenery

Hand in hand with cooking – is there anything honestly more inherently relaxing, and worthwhile, than gardening? Gardening is not only a productive pastime but also allows you to bring food from the ground to the table. What a marvelous way to boost your productivity!

Gardening allows you to unwind, letting you conserve your energies for other busy days ahead. It also connects us with nature. We’ve only got one amazing world. Let’s treasure and build upon it.

“You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.”

~ Larry Page

Daydreaming is Not a Waste of Time

Some people may not technically regard this as a ‘hobby’.  However, daydreaming is another thing that stimulates one’s creative side and encourages the exploration of ideas. This process could potentially evolve into the solution or “Happy Hobby’ you’ve been searching for.

Resting the mind can provide clarity, reduce stress, and keep you even more focused and productive with your batteries fully recharged and ready to tackle just about anything.

Begin recording some of your desires with us today. Live life and roll well with iStratus.

On The Move

A Travel Checklist. The Goal: Fun-filled, likely stress-free, or at least less, on adventures. Simplifying what you need before and during your trip can be the difference between delight and disaster. A checklist provides less stress for preparation to your trip and more time for relaxing once your get to your destination. 

Traveling provides us with an insight into the world. While going with the flow is important, a little organization goes a long way towards ensuring you have the best time possible. 

Of course, every traveler has their preference and approach to things.  iStratus hopes to help you with this checklist for a safe, active, and enjoyable trip that will create memories to last a lifetime. 

Firstly, Know Your Personality

No matter where you choose to travel, feeling comfortable is central to enjoying the overall experience. How you choose to travel is completely your preference. However, setting your goals and your needs are paramount for quality time and feeling at home away from home.  

So, what brings you the most joy and comfort? Do you enjoy a toasty room? Snoozing in a stiff bed or would you prefer sleeping on a cloud? It’s the little things that truly make a difference. How you experience the world around you matters most.

We all have different tastes as does the company of those who join you on this experience. Some may love a foodie tour while others may enjoy being on the beach with a packed picnic from sunrise to sunset. Whatever your choice, for balance, that’s where using iStratus for a trip checklist and schedule comes in handy.

Be Prepared with a Plan

People may have decades of travel experience behind them and there’s nothing quite like the thrill of adventure a new place. Regardless of the type of experience, the more thorough a plan is, the smoother the logistics are likely to be. Whether an “expert or novice” adventurer, using iStratus can be fundamental to your trip.

Essentially, planning allows the right fit. Perhaps you have a preferred restaurant that requires booking in advance or you require accessible options, such as elevators. Needless to say, there are tons of spontaneous or unplanned experiences that can occur.  However by being organized and planning early, choices and experiences are more likely attainable.

The Right Time of Year Makes a Difference

The key to quality adventures is understanding what and how you want to experience your destination. What factors are most important to you and your family, or your travel buddies? You can plan a fantastic trip by using iStratus to making notes of preferences, goals, and needs. The “best time” of the year may vary as it may not necessarily be set upon a generic timeline or season.

If you are not limited to a certain time of year, different times on the calendar could be set. iStratus can easily help you layout your plans with various options and alternatives so the diversity of any destination can be experienced, regardless of the calendar. Do what works best for you as to when you wish to visit. For instance, you might be a person who prefers to hit sunny warmer places during cooler winter months. 

Pack Smart, To Stay Sharp

Packing is an essential part of travel which can also be challenging. Let’s face it!  No matter where we are, we are creatures of habit who enjoy a few comforts of home. It is easy to overpack, which can add to the overall cost of the trip. It’s not always the best feeling having to lug heavy luggage between transfers, accommodations, or destinations.

Lighter luggage lends itself to better travel. Consider all essentials required and create a packing list that accounts for weather conditions or special requirements at your destination (such as Passports and so forth). Think about what you truly need versus what you want to take. Your items can quickly become more than essentials.

Regardless of where you wish to explore the globe, iStratus recommends keeping packing lists versatile and straightforward. Copies of important documents are important. Keep your cell phone handy as these things can be stored in iStratus and at a tap, things are there as needed. Also, portable battery chargers make things easier as power is with you wherever you go. 

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

~ Miriam Beard

It’s a big, wide world out there. Traveling does not have to be lost with all the changes of recent years. It is good to discover new places. Let iStratus help you organize things to a tee, reduce stress, and explore the wonders of the world. 

Go ahead and starting preparing for your next travel experience today! Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Weigh It Up: Making Decisions with a ‘Checklist’ Approach

Analysis paralysis” (Yes, it exists!) can hit us all when faced with a challenging decision. Often, we wish to avoid making the “wrong” choice so we expend a huge amount of energy analyzing every possibility or potential disaster.

On the flip side, sometimes we are convinced that we know what the best solution is. Decisions are quick and subsequently. Sometimes, we can omit poignant alternatives.

Weighing up the “pros and cons” is a simple but effective decision-making strategy. It is well known for highlighting different angles, solutions, and assured choices. This article will address using iStratus to analyze the pros and cons of a choice quantitatively for all-around well-informed decisions.  We hope this process will help you become more productive and efficient at decision making. 

Quantitative Pros and Cons –  What Are They?

Weighing up the pros and cons can improve your understanding of a situation and help avoid decision-making paralysis. Using a simple “pros” and “cons” list encourages objective decisions without those “gut feelings” impacting choice. It boosts perspective and can help one reach a balanced, informed decision.

One side is likely to feature more points than the other in countless situations. Thus, making the decision-making process easier. iStratus’s Checklist feature easily highlights your thoughts. When constructing a “Pros and Cons list, select the format that works best for you. 

Creating a Pros and Cons List Effectively

To achieve the best results from a pros and cons list, iStratus suggests organizing and undertaking the process as follows:

  • Choose a way of populating your desired list
  • Brainstorm and list the pros of each decision
  • Examine and note the risks or cons associated with the decision
  • Include any potential third-party pros and cons

Applying Quantitative Pros and Cons

Weighing up the pros and cons of a decision is a quick and easy process with iStratus. In simple terms, it is one side versus the other by listing all of the possible positive outcomes of the decision and all the negative ramifications.

We suggest assigning a positive or negative value to each one with all factors considered and recorded. A score of 5 on a scale of 1 to 5 may be strongly favorable while 1 may be unfavorable. The intention is to try to score as objectively as possible not leaning with bias!

Once your rating scale is complete, total the score in each column and subtract the amount of “cons” from the “pros”. Ultimately a more positive overall score indicates a benefit while a more negative indicator suggests to scrap it.

Remember, common sense is also vital. These lists aren’t necessarily definitive right off the bat. If you suspect the overall solution isn’t appropriate, commit some further time towards identifying factors likely to have been missed or omitted.

Some advantages could be obvious immediately whereas others are potentially discovered following meticulous thought and reasoning. Posing certain questions can also underline the benefits associated such as:

  • What are the fundamental benefits of this decision?
  • What favorable outcome would be accomplished that you don’t currently have?
  • What could be further accomplished?
  • How will this contribute to your current goals? 
  • How does this option impact other people in your life?
  • How does it position you for success in the future?

The cons chart should include reasons why a decision is not in the best interest. It should also list in potential consequences or undesirable outcomes.

Once more some indicators will be obvious, such as distances or the amount of time and investment required. While other cons will require examination of your intended goals. Questions to assist in determining specific cons might include:

  • What are the risks correlated with this decision?
  • What are you sacrificing?
  • What significant challenges does this decision present? Are they conquerable?
  • How would this position or choice impede other goals?


Set a time limit for decision-making. This encourages brainstorming issues without over-analyzing the “nit-picky” details.

Set Your Direction But Be Flexible 

Weighing up pros and cons is a quick, simple way to make objective, considered decisions. Quantifying options helps you to weigh your decisions and come to thoughtful conclusions. Each decision is important so must be processed throughly. Seeing some sort of total will help you to decide whether it’s worthwhile going ahead with something or not. 

“Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.”

~ Lester R. Bittel

Mastering these skills and using the simple checklist tools within iStratus, can help your future decisions flourish, regardless of what the context is. We must emphasize all of this advice doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the choice you MUST stick like glue with. Be flexible, go easy on yourself, and take time. There are pluses and minuses to everything decision. Direction and planning simply provide a sense of balance in what can be a crazy world.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

The Voice of Motivation: Staying Engaged with Life

We want to do it all. But we must stay engaged with our goals in order to stay motivated. 

Doing it all is a common goal, but too often we become distracted or bored. Sometimes, making it difficult to stay engaged with life.

Enter A World Of Organization

With a sense of organization around us, we can engage wholeheartedly with what we do, and in turn, keep that passion and excitement for life abuzz. 

So let’s rock this world together with iStratus!

The most interesting thing with all of this is that – there’s no singular solution or idea, which ensures engagement happens. Engagement is something that cannot be forced

The truth is, the more disorganized we feel, the more we become of change. It can do the opposite of what we hope to achieve.

So, where does that leave us? 

Let’s look at what’s at the heart of motivation and maintaining engagement in what we do in our daily lives.

Are you interested in reading this?

It is quite a simple question. And an important one, we need to know that we are truly interested in reaching a goal before we decide to tackle it.

You see, that’s what engagement is…

If we actively read, listen, and then formulate our own opinion, feelings, or view regarding a topic or issue, then immediately we’re more engaged.

Ultimately iStratus wishes to tap into those needs, and inner thoughts regardless of what we’re doing or need to do. At the end of that, we’ll feel far more motivated and engaged, or tuned in.

Small Actions, Big Impact

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much for us to shift momentum or direction. The smallest changes can have the biggest impact.

Every day we engage with each other is another day we create connected experiences in our environment, no matter where we are. The time is now. 

Let’s Break Down Barriers

It’s not a secret that if we understand what we’re dealing with, we’re more likely to use knowledge or apply something in a practical sense. That’s exactly what iStratus hopes to achieve for you. Break processes down so that things become easier and help maintain your interest, so that you don’t feel like a headless chicken. Typically, when we don’t have a clear process, direction, or we feel disconnected from something, we will automatically zone out. Simply put, that engagement and desire are lost.

A Voice and A Choice

The most important resource for all success stories is ourselves. Simply put this means that by giving ourselves a voice, we take ownership of staying motivated, rather than merely just doing it. At iStratus, we strongly believe having a place to categorize tasks or notate our direction for ourselves allows us to complete the items on our checklists. 

Ultimately if we highlight our areas of strength, areas for improvement, it then becomes a process of reflection, which goes a long way towards maintaining motivation. 

“The only lifelong, reliable motivations are those that come from within, and one of the strongest of those is the joy and pride that grow from knowing that you’ve just done something as well as you can do it.”

~ Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford-Mason

Let’s Us Repeat: Stay Motivated and Engaged By “Doing”

Hooking into excitement is key. — If we’re excited, the principle is simple engagement and connection to what we do will take place.

None of us are magicians, we cannot force anything — but we must choose to do something for there to be a difference. This choice is made easier when we make the connection right from the get-go.  The question of: Are you truly interested in this? Matters. Let’s go down that rabbit hole of organizing and “doing” that leads to progress, synchronously increasing our zest for life and staying motivated.

Finally, there’s no substitute for experience, communication, and critical thinking skills. So let’s stay engaged with information, which is indeed at the very essence of utilizing what’s right in the palm of our hands.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Setting Gratitude As a Daily Goal

The Power of Positive Thinking: We don’t know about you, but we often find there are many benefits of “Listing” your positive thoughts. 

There is an abundance of evidence that suggests that the brain finds it next to impossible to focus on positive and negative thoughts simultaneously.

We all know the ancient question: Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Considering whether you’re optimistic or pessimistic in your approach will also reflect upon your outlook of life — and quality of health.

At iStratus we believe creating the practice of listing the things you’re grateful for helps you train your mind to be increasingly more positive. 

If you set out to list your gratitude each day, your brain will be more aware of positive things to include on the list!

Indeed, listing the positives with optimism is a key part of applying effective stress management strategies. And realistically we’d all like to stress less.

We need to make it clear, positive thinking isn’t about sticking your head in the sand and ignoring life’s tough situations, or pretending everything is a rainbow. No, positive thinking is an approach to addressing unpleasantness more positively and productively. Going for the best outcome, rather than the worst.

Positive self-talk is the start. In our minds, the “self-talk” is that endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through our heads daily. Such automatic thoughts can be both positive and negative. 

Negative Thoughts?

Not sure if your self-talk is positive or negative? Some common negativity can include:

  • Polarizing: Things only either good or bad. Finding the middle ground is irrelevant. Things must be perfect; otherwise, this will lead to failure. 
  • Personalizing: You automatically blame yourself. For instance, you hear that there has been a change in plans, and you believe it was the result of something you said or did.
  • Filtering: In this case, the negative aspects of a situation tend to override the positive ones. For example, five tasks on your “To Do” tasks were completed as required, yet your focus is solely upon only the one, which wasn’t, forgetting the wins achieved.

Positive Thinking with Gratitude as a Daily Focus

Daily gratitude can be incorporated into your thinking. The process can be rather simple and attainable; nonetheless, it requires time, commitment and practice. — Basically, you’re building new habits. 

We believe using iStratus to list your gratitude or thankfulness daily (or at least once a week) you will begin to see a shift towards thinking optimistically. This is how you do so:

  • Pinpoint needed changes. Optimism requires engagement in more positive thinking. Start by identifying the things you usually think negatively about. Be it work, school, relationships, or the daily commute. Choose one thing to begin focusing on with increased positivity. 
  • Check-in with the Self. At times, it’s necessary to stop and evaluate what you’re thinking about in your day. If you feel too much ‘negativity’ is happening, attempt to find a way to reposition a positive spin on it. Did you enjoy your coffee in the morning?
  • Apply that Positive Self-Talk. By human nature, we tend to impose thoughts upon ourselves we certainly wouldn’t say to others. It’s not always easy to be encouraging of oneself. Thus, when negative thoughts creep in, think about things and people you’re grateful for daily.
  • Positive people help. It’s not always good to be a complete island. We all need people around us who are positive and supportive. We don’t always have to agree with the thoughts and opinions of others, however, the people we can depend on for love, quality advice, and feedback matter. 

We all have freethinking minds. Still, those typically “negative thinking” personalities, can easily increase self-doubt which doesn’t help one’s ability to manage life in healthy ways. 

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle to fuel your mind and body. Eat well, with fruits and vegetables. Recharge your internal batteries to help manage stress. Engage in 30 minutes of exercise to positively improve your mood. 
  • Laugh. Humor helps increase gratitude. When you can laugh at life, even in the toughest moments, you slowly feel better. Happier memories and hearts can be found within. 

Create that “List of Gratitude.” When your mind frame is generally more optimistic, life improves for better and we’re able to handle everyday stresses more constructively. Just Smile. Life is worth it.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

iStratus Lists: To Organize Your Life

Write. Write. Write. Or rather, type. Type. Type. Recording your thoughts or “To Do’s” helps you process and remember information.

If you’re feeling like life’s a bit out-of-control right now, one of the best things you can do is create a set of lists you can take action on.

So c’mon, let’s get motivated with iStratus, and make lists!

Brain Dump – Free Up Your Mind A Little 

We recommend getting all of your thoughts down in the notes section. Make a clear list of:

  • What you need to do, 
  • What you want to remember and 
  • What plans or projects do you have to work on

Write (or type) until you can’t think of anything else – and be patient with yourself! Bear in mind, this process could take a while! Add or edit as you wish to.

Once the brain dumping is done, your mind should feel lighter (if it isn’t, at least a little, then something else needs doing. Take 10, 15, 20 minutes, or 3 days it doesn’t matter). 

The point is, once you feel a little relief (yes, every bit counts), you will find that it is easier to categorize related items, prioritize, and productively disregard unessential responsibilities.

This will free up your mind to think about other things besides the stuff you want your brain to recall.

Existing Projects List

Even though having an existing projects list seems repetitive or unnecessary, it’s an effective idea to consistently have one.

Why? How so?

Ultimately it provides a realistic picture of everything that’s on your plate right now. Too many projects occurring at once can be overwhelming, and it’s unlikely to increase motivation to get anything done.

3 or 4 important projects are enough, relocate the others to a “Next” list.

The Next List

This is the one that can help you take action and be productive regardless of where you are…

Such as, making a call or sending a quick follow-up text, before a meeting begins.

If you’re driving and need something to listen to, maybe pull up that podcast you’ve had on your mind or “must listen to” list for ages!

Daily To-Do List

This list really shouldn’t be multiple pages if you’re aiming for effectiveness.

Three to five items you want to accomplish are sufficient. That’s all!

It’s those important things required for achieving your goals.  It’s important to focus on completing them the best you can.

Process Checklists: Easy as 1, 2, 3

If something requires certain steps for completion, and you tend to forget them a process checklist can help.

A process checklist could include:

  • How to update your SUV navigation system
  • How to turn on/off the alarm system 
  • How to run payroll.

Grocery And Quick Meal Lists Will Save Your Sanity

Avoid driving yourself insane because you can’t recall that it was a can of coconut milk you needed from the supermarket.

Keep a grocery list active in iStratus and share it, so that members in your household can contribute to it.

If you use an online grocery pickup service, you can add items to your cart as you note them.

That way, everything will already be in your cart, ready to order as needed.

Create a list of quick meals, the kind you can make in a dash.  This list will save your sanity on those busy nights when you are running the kids here, there, and yonder. Meals that are easy to make are key. See here for some fast, easy 30 Minute meal ideas.

And yes, sometimes a pizza delivery is OK too!

Things to Research

Lately, “doomsday scrolling” has become a real problem for so many of us on social media platforms.

In reality, with so much chaos in our world right now, it’s only natural that we want to keep up with the latest information, which easily turns into hours of endless scrolling and building anxiety.

A “Things to Research List” dedicated to a specific amount of time online researching whatever information is needed, will help you stress less, reduce anxiety, and it won’t eat up too much time in your day.

Books to Read, Music to Hear, or Movies To Watch List

This is the fun one. Self-care is important. 

Use iStratus to list the exciting stuff you want to engage your ears and eyeballs in. Next time you hear a tune you want to spend more time listening to, or there’s a good book you’d like to read someday, or if there’s a movie you’d love to watch – Note it. 

Lists can be life-changing and interchangeable with life. With the flexibility of our checklist system, you may breathe a little easier.

And remember to laugh: 

“There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.”

~ Mary Wilson Little

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Set Better Goals

This past year has been tough.

In many respects, this Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to think long and hard about what it is we value. What goals do we want to set?

For centuries, being able to compete within the rat race has been a symbol of pride and standing in our society. We often feel as though we are held to a cutthroat world, whereby success is measured through financial earnings and specific titles.

Throughout this article, we’ll discuss how to navigate choices, how to set goals so that hopefully one doesn’t feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, especially during times of stress.

Taking The “Enough Is Enough” Angle 

If one places impractical pressures on oneself and their family, it becomes exhausting for all. That daily structure we create needs to be organized, but also flexible. It’s also important to recognize yourself, your needs, desires, and goals as being significant.  

This isn’t stroking the ego, this simply means that the goals and expectations you set for yourself matters. We all want to be at the top of our game, maximizing our success with balance.

You can use iStratus to, make sure those targets are aligned with our strengths and interests. Not doing this can often lead to overload and this is also a real cause of burnout.

At iStratus, we feel that as long as you can use our app to develop some, structure or direction regarding what’s next even amid a pandemic, one step at a time – with goals in mind, this will provide a certain feeling of stability. 

We know how important it is to have a plan for the future. 

Be Realistic

On the same hand, we also need to remain realistic with the goals we set. We believe goals are great, but even better is when they are prioritized. With an exceeding amount of pressure that is placed upon us for success, continual motivation is unlikely if things are not prioritized or obtainable. 

Additionally, it’s also important to remember, there’s a distinct difference between having goals versus putting all one’s eggs in the same basket. Ultimately, the latter is bound for a struggle. 

Use iStratus to take note of specific steps and break your goals down. Trying this approach may help things feel less overwhelming, which in turn, will likely see some progress on those long-term goals or projects:

  • Assess what is wanted Not solely what you think you should be doing. 

(We all have to undertake tasks we don’t want to do. That’s life. However, distinguishing the objectives between what requires completion, alongside what is wanted, is a different kettle of fish).

  • What Do You Enjoy? – List five things on a “Loves” list in iStratus. Can they help you attain your goals in some way?
  • Start SMALL – Smaller goals are easier to achieve. Feeling better about things more often helps us progress and maintain it.
  • Define Goals. Be specific – For example: To learn a musical instrument. Commit to practicing for 20 minutes a week even (it’s not always easy). Keep a list of any songs you’d love to learn.
  • Break It Down – Mini goals help motivation levels.
  • Set Deadlines – Targets help things stay on track. Set dates on your iStratus calendar for achieving each mini-goal and try your best to stick with it.

Every phase of life is a process. And honestly, providing all the advice and tools in the world doesn’t mean everything will be miraculously easier. Nothing is that simple. However, a good starting point is to truly think about what it is we hope to achieve.

“Set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.” ~ Robert J. McKain

We’ve been here many times, right? From a societal standpoint “time is always of the essence” however, we all know by now things change unexpectedly. The point is to take one step or one thing off the checklist at a time. 

And Sometimes, Press Pause, Just Breathe…

If there’s another thing this pandemic has taught us is – might it be that home is supposed to be a sanctuary? The four walls of a home are a place where one can retreat to and find peace, away from those things that pressure us.

Pause, rest, recharge, just breathe – and then tackle things! Set those goals in iStratus today and see how you go. Keep things flexible, one checkmark at a time, and there’s no doubt you’ll feel more open and positive towards those goals for the taking.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.