Keeping Calm Throughout The Crazy

What is your favorite ritual?

We all have a way of finding peace in our lives. Now, that’s not about connecting to one’s secret inner hippy, with all that light and love stuff.

Simply put, the busier, the crazier the world becomes around us, the more grounded we need to feel. Finding that sense of calm throughout the crazy, makes all the difference.

Who knows how life is going to turn out? Being organized is one approach that provides us with a sense of stability in this uncertain world. With iStratus we have the ability to be prepared and stay that way.

So… How Can We Keep Calm Throughout The Crazy?


The iStratus Organizer is here to help. Designed to keep you on track, with the multitude of tasks we’re expected to juggle –To Keep Calm Throughout the Crazy, finding that balance in your life.

With its multifaceted interface, you can easily and efficiently use the iStratus Organizer to:

  • Notate a clear “To Do” List, in order of priority, with a click of a button.

  • Generate reminders to send follow-up emails.

  • Effortlessly set multiple alarms to navigate schedules that always have you on the go. Whether it’s supporting your kids with multiple activities, or staying atop that crazy college schedule, iStratus has you covered.

  • Create seamless shopping lists for the household meal plan, which does not have to be complicated. Keeping it light, and easy.

  • Quickly coordinate appointments you need to attend for yourself. The process is as simple as you can get.

Leaving a little time for that favorite ritual. Yes, you should!

5 Benefits of Being Organized:

Remember, balance is always key. Thus, there are simultaneously 5 beneficial elements of being organized with iStratus for creating calm:


Experts suggest an endless list of “things to do” constantly invading your headspace is a major source of stress on the tipping scale of life. It may seem obvious (but not necessarily easy) that becoming organized lessens that pesky weight upon our shoulders. says, one of the most productive things that can be done is simply tracking your day.

Anyone can take three hours to complete a task, largely because of the task itself or because of the interruptions allowed.



Clutter creates chaos. Even if you don’t realize it, clutter in your bedroom can result in the loss of Zzzzzzzz’s. Furthermore, if you are disorganized you may unintentionally become a night owl, staying awake later to do something last minute, or worrying about everything that needs to be addressed.

Use iStratus to de-clutter, schedule that time, and stick to it. Organize the clutter in your life to lessen that endless ‘chaotic craziness’ invading your precious dreams to sleep longer and deeper at night.


When you’ve planned out your meals, you’re less likely to forget to eat,  avoiding hunger pangs, which flows through to impulsive consumption. You’re also more inclined to find motivation for physical fitness if you plan time on the schedule for it. Increase those necessary endorphins for better health. Who’s up for a triathlon?


We’ve finally arrived at that favorite ritual, we’ve mentioned! Perhaps it’s PB on toast or a warm cup of Tea? (Sometimes, the simplest things mean the most). We frequently leave ourselves until last! You can put yourself on your own agenda when you actually make time for it!

It’s difficult to be at your best for anyone else – family, friends, colleagues – if you’re running on fumes. advises, it doesn’t matter what you do – it matters that you do it.

Try the iStratus App for prioritizing time to do something you enjoy. Coffee anyone?

“Create the kind of climate in your organization [processes] where personal growth is expected, recognized and rewarded.”
 ~ Author Unknown


Let’s be honest, disorganization is un-motivating. Along with clearing out the clutter in your home life, it also gives you the energy to focus on what’s required during office hours. If you’re feeling tired by four walls, try taking a few minutes to organize your iCalendar or filing your emails.

Did you know that iStratus easily allows you to file photographic evidence with paperwork for an appointment or task? Once it’s where it belongs, you won’t be yelling at your phone, whilst searching inboxes for the information you require at the Doctor’s Office.

A little effort goes a long way. Spending a few minutes each day getting organized makes a difference towards being healthier, happier, and calmer throughout the crazy!

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

iStratus DayPlanner – Organizing your life…with a twist

With the sheer demand on our time and volume of activities, tasks, meetings, appointments, schedules, contacts, and more, it’s easy to miss something. This seems like something technology should be able to solve but my iPhone has multiple apps designed to manage a portion of my life.  I want something to manage more than just one small piece.  I need my world to be interconnected and organized where my calendar, appointments, events and access to my documents and pictures all work together to enhance my life.   So this got me thinking, what features would a great organization app need to help me better manage my life?

What makes a great calendar and organizing app? 

  • Features that maximize my time like repeatable event management.
  • Access to quickly create and customize my calendar events.
  • A way to preview upcoming days, weeks, and months.
  • The ability to share calendars with my family and co-workers.
  • Personalization to easily customize my calendar using icons, colors, text and fonts.
  • The ability to sync across iOS devices and other services (Google, iCloud, Exchange).
  • Confidence to know all my calendar appointments and events are automatically added across all my Apple iOS devices including iPad, iPhone and iPod.
  • Voice recognition for easy updates on the go.
  • Security – after all, this is my personal information and I need to know it’s safe.
  • Simple and intuitive interface for easy use.

Time and Organization matters.

Time has become elusive for us all. With so many distractions—especially thanks to new mobile expectations—it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Organize your life and work to your habits, and you’ll find everything operates smoother. It’s just more productive…and less frustrating!


Manage your life using iStratus DayPlanner…the all-in-one solution to organize your busy life across your mobile iOS devices.

Learn how at

Stressed out with too much on your plate and not enough time? Try These 3 Steps.

Today you’re expected to do many things on-the-go using mobile devices with no real down time.  The expectations are for you to have instant access to your information. And the demands are increasing to be more effective in managing and planning your priories.  Your time is more precious than ever.

How are you going to keep up with this pace?

Take these three steps right now to accomplish more than seems possible:

1.) Take action.

Make a task list.

And, start with the goal in mind.

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey implores you to begin with the end in mind. While Covey was looking at the bigger picture, there is utility in this wisdom.

Create a to-do list, but flip it. Start from the final goal of your plans. Work backwards and map out the needs and actions to get from the end to the beginning. Do this, and you’ll have a task list that achieves your plans.

What’s more? This exercise makes even the most audacious plan much more attainable.

2.) Commit.

Schedule your tasks on your calendar.

And, be able to move them—automatically—just in case.

You know that saying? “What gets measured gets done.” It’s only partially right.

What gets put on your calendar…and stays on your calendar…even if timing needs to change? THAT gets done. These days, if it’s not on the calendar, it too easily gets lost in the shuffle of what’s most important.

Make the commitment, and put it first. Make sure it’s top-of-mind by getting it on the calendar. If you must move it? Make it automatic. Don’t delete it. Move it to the next day, and then don’t move it again if at all possible.

Put the time on your calendar, and you make the time yours.

3.) Plan ahead.

Gather everything you need for each step.

And, know where it is all the time.

Sometimes, you can simply take action: Just do it, and you’re done.

Most of the time? You need something. In those cases, information…or at least access to it…holds the key.

Today, most of your information is online. What happens when you can access it when needed instantly? You get more done, faster.

  • Plan ahead.
  • Have everything you need.
  • Keep it organized all in one place.

Do these things and you stop searching. When it’s most needed, you want to know exactly where it is.

If this this advice seems simple…well….that’s the point.

Time has become elusive for us all. With so many distractions—especially thanks to new mobile expectations—it’s easy to be overwhelmed.

Take these steps to add structure and organization, and you can get more accomplished and take control of your busy schedule.


Create more time with iStratus DayPlanner…the all-in-one solution to organize your busy life across your mobile iOS devices.

Learn how at