Are You Cyber Safe? iStratus Tips For Students.

With the school year well underway now, most students are focused on using cyberspace for projects, making some headway and achieving grades, and of course, socializing on Social Media. At the same time, they also need to be aware, staying up to date on phishing schemes, safe computing practices to guard data and sensitive information. Whether they are in elementary, high school, or college, today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce.

It’s an uncertain world out there in Cyberspace. Here at iStratus, we’d like to share some tips with the students in your life. 

From malware and scams to cyberbullying, it can be a vicious cycle of events. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to keep you, your kids, and your devices protected from the latest threats: 

Keep Software Up-To-Date

We almost feel like a broken record, however, keep the operating system, browser software, and apps fully updated with patches. Even new machines can have out-of-date software that leaves you at risk. Operating systems and applications are constantly being updated to fix bugs and address security issues. You should use automatic updates to ensure you’re using the most secure version of the software that is available. Also, review the privacy settings — when an app is updated, it may change your settings! 

Practice Safe Computer Usage

Use trusted apps and only browse to trusted websites. Malware is often hidden in apps that trick you into downloading them or in fake websites that lure you in with interesting pictures or stories! Make sure everyone who uses the device takes the same precautions. 

Malware Protection, It Does What It Says: Protects YOU

To put it simply, set your devices to update automatically and run virus scans at least once a week. Let’s not forget malware is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems.

Malware today has become increasingly sophisticated and can evade antivirus software installing Ad and script-blocking browser plugins will help.

Most Internet and device security offer parental controls, which are great for managing applications that can be downloaded and the time spent on the device, whilst students are communicating with friends on social networks in a safe way. Enable security settings on devices, and as any software or apps are installed. Pay particular attention to information sharing options and be sure to verify your firewall to protect your information. 

Think Twice Before Sharing

It’s easy to get excited and overshare online. Be aware of divulging personal information on Social Media Platforms – such as school names, team names, and key interests which reveal particular details inadvertently. 

Be a Savvy Network User

In this day and age, this might seem like we’re stating the absolute obvious, however, reminders don’t hurt. 

Try not to access personal or financial information over unsecured public WiFi networks such as the “free WiFi” in coffee shops, bookstores, hotels, and schools, as this data can be easily intercepted and viewed by unauthorized people. Instead, consider using your smartphone’s more secure cellular signal or “hotspot” to surf online and take care of business.

Stay on Guard 

For students, there’s a general lack of privacy and personal space at school. Whether it’s a shared living space, crowded workspace, or the typically communal environment of a college campus, they’re continuously exposing their devices, leaving them vulnerable to access by others. 

The most important thing to remember or remind your kids of is to be aware of their surroundings. Be vigilant in keeping computing devices with you or locked in a safe and secure place. 

Avoid Jailbreaking Your Devices! 

Jailbreaking devices relate to gaining “root” access to it, which means disabling the manufacturer and operating system protections so there is access to functions, not originally intended to have access to. 

This access may allow greater functionality, on the same hand, however, it also reduces the security of devices, making them more susceptible to infectious malware. 

In addition, Jailbreaking devices essentially render them at greater risk of getting hacked, and malicious apps which phisher sensitive information disclosure. 

Frequently Backup Data

Given the growing risk of malware/virus infections known as “Ransomware,” iStratus recommends saving important data often. By definition, Ransomware holds a person’s files “hostage” until the victim recompenses the hacker. 

It is most practical to backup regularly, using both a physical storage device such as a USB flash drive, external hard drive or a cloud-based account, like iStratus uses to protect your files.

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”

~ Richard Feynman (1918 – 1988)

Bottom line, as we always say, we want you to stay safe out there on devices significantly central to our world. 

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Cyberspace, Let’s Stay Safe

Every day we engage in the world of cyberspace, and consequently, there are risks associated with security breaches for people and businesses all over the world that are appearing in media headlines. These attacks reveal the vulnerability of our data and the lack of robust security strategies in organizations, regardless of size. 

Overall, data security is vital to the well-being of businesses. Operations and records require protection. If compromised, reputation and fiscal damages occur.

In this article, we’ll look at ways iStratus protects you and your data.

It’s Why We Encrypt

In today’s world, people increasingly conduct their work on mobile or personal devices. Do we ensure our app is trustworthy and secure? Yes, all data is stored in an encrypted format and remains encrypted whenever it is stored in the ‘Password Vault’ or during migrations.

Begin with Strong Passwords

Create passwords that are long, complex, and varied. Specifically, passwords must be at least 8 characters long, include a mix of letters, non-sequential numbers, special characters, and ideally be as nonsensical as possible. In a point-blank attack, hackers try combinations of millions of dictionary words and numbers per second until one brings up a hit.

Implementing strong passwords is the first step to take in strengthening security in this space, to protect and prevent access to sensitive and valuable data. We recommend changing passwords at least every 90 days. Avoid using passwords like “1234567” or “Password1,” or having them written down for people to find.

Delete Any Redundant Data

We suggest deleting information and files you don’t use or need to access regularly. Applications like ours deal with sensitive information constantly as an essential element of our business. With appropriate information deletion or disposal mechanisms in place, this helps prevent stale data from being forgotten about and stolen at a later date. Erasing or otherwise modifying redundant data to be indecipherable also ensures it’s not stashed away somewhere it shouldn’t be.

Update Operating Systems and Applications Regularly

Having the most up-to-date iOS or version of an app is often the best way to ensure data is adequately patched and protected. Security with iStratus is regularly revised to ensure encryption is functioning adequately. We always recommend having the most recent update available. Since hackers and phishers are constantly adapting their approaches to exploit weaknesses in earlier software, it is advisable to update these applications frequently as possible.

Back-up Your Data Habitually

To this end, it also pays to back up your data frequently. It is not new information that this should already be a crucial part of your own IT security. With secure backups in place, you can survive essentially everything from accidental file deletion to bug-lockdowns.

Secure ALL Social Media Applications 

Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are fun and engaging ways to communicate with all networks these days. However, to continue safely, it’s recommended you review the privacy settings of each account periodically to protect the privacy rights of any information purposely or inadvertently shared. 

It’s important to know who can see what, where, and which platform is sharing what data you have and with whom.

Check the Privacy Policy of Apps

iOS applications automatically enforce regulations for all users through their HTTPS, but the same cannot be guaranteed for Android apps. 

It’s best to either check out the privacy policy or inspect the website for an official stamp from a data protection organization. 

iStratus, as we’ve expressed repeatedly applies encryption to secure and protect any data you send online from hackers, network snoopers, and also third parties. We do not store or share your information anywhere.

Be Vigilant Against Phishing or Similar Scams

Databases with personal information are a goldmine of information. A phishing scam relies on tricks into replying or clicking on a link in a bogus email or text message to spread malware, steal credentials, or even worse. We all receive these kinds of text messages daily. 

The reality is, Cybercriminals will use unprotected information to attain fraudulent loans, steal identities, and infect entire networks, crashing them entirely. We don’t envision this happening with iStratus, however 

“A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness.”

~ Ann Radcliffe (1764 – 1823)

What’s The Best Solution? Prevention!

In current times, always be on the safe side and never click on links in COVID-19-themed emails for example. You can typically detect a phishing scam by reading the sender’s address. However, as life is often hectic, most of us would be none the wiser at first glance. Be aware, iStratus won’t ever send you emails. Another clue is often errors appear within text from automated bots. 

Vigilance is the key essential. 

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Raising Internet Savvy Kids & Teens

As parents, we want to do everything we can to keep our children safe and out of harm’s way, from looking both ways when crossing the street to always wearing a helmet when cycling. However, are we doing enough to protect them from bullies, predators, and stumbling across inappropriate content online?

Let’s face it, the internet is here to stay and with an ever-increasing amount of teens using apps on their smartphones, there’s always time to have regular discussions regarding cyber safety, if you don’t already provide those reminders to your loved ones. 

In this article, iStratus provides some handy tips for your parenting toolkit.

Be Open and Honest About Online Activity

It’s important to be informed. Have discussions with your kids about what apps they are using, what they are reading, watching, and who they are communicating with online – and keep the conversation going. Use iStratus to create a list, and look at them together. It’s essential to always remind them that this may be different for other parents and their children.

The bottom line? Listening and reaching an agreement about what is right for your family is what matters most. The internet and smartphones are everywhere, there’s no avoiding them. 

We need to reflect on our online reputation too if we want our kids to consider how they behave, interact with people and represent themselves in a public forum. They must always remember that these spaces aren’t private.

Who Are Your Children’s Friends Online?

As grown adults, we recognize that people aren’t always who they say they are online. Truthfully, young people can be alarmingly naïve about whom they are chatting to or connecting with if they are not taught to be cyber-wise from the onset.

iStratus suggests, becoming friends with your child’s social media circles and ensuring you monitor posts. There may be resistance to this but that can be a set condition for them to have online access.

Similarly, Stay #SocialMediaNetworkSavvy

Educate yourself on what social media networks and apps your children are using and use them as well. Remind your kids regularly about the privacy settings and reporting mechanisms on social networks. And being aware of what constitutes online bullying – both as a perpetrator and a victim.

Every photograph and personal detail that is posted and shared on social media and the internet contributes to someone’s digital footprint. The biggest risk with this is that once information is shared publicly, it can be used in untoward ways not necessarily expected.

Assume that anything that is put online is permanent (it can be deleted, but not necessarily before others have seen it or saved it). As parents, it’s our job to encourage our children to ask themselves before posting anything online if the information being shared (for example, their name, phone number, address, name of school, email) or a photo is something they would give a stranger. If the answer is no, then don’t post it.

If your child uses social networks, be sure they know how to:

  • Report inappropriate and/or offensive posts
  • Block someone
  • Keep posts set to “Private Between Friends” and not “Public.”

Use iStratus filing and folder systems to stay in control of your digital footprint, keep it all secure by only sharing important or personal information with people known and trusted.

Protect Privacy: Keep Locations Private

Most apps, networks, and devices have geotagging features, which reveal your whereabouts publicly and can lead someone directly to you. These features should be switched off for obvious privacy and safety reasons. Digital photographs also contain metadata (referencing the time, date, and GPS coordinates), which may reveal more than planned. Some social media platforms automatically hide or remove these details, but not all do, thus investigate these settings and be fully aware of how much info is being shared.

“The definition of privacy has changed – kids are more comfortable baring their souls online, but they don’t think about the consequences or permanence of the Internet.”

~ Elizabeth Wilkins, Editor, at Empowering

Leading by Example is Key

Modeling the kind of positive online behavior we would like our children to use is fundamental. If they witness influential adults in their world being cautious and respectable while online, then they are more likely to follow in those footsteps. And, yes, this also includes limiting your own screen time.

Finally, the point is not to instill fear in our children or prevent them from experiencing the many educational, social, and entertainment benefits of the Internet, Social Media, or Apps. Rather, we must provide them with the skills and knowledge they require to make the most of the pluses while avoiding the dangers. 

There’s no doubt we’ll all sleep better by regularly discussing these points upon our checklists today.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Organize The Festive Season

The holidays can feel like madness for even the most organized folks. Don’t let disorganization detract from the fun of the season. 

The best way to keep you and your family sane is with structure. A map of what needs to be covered is effective even for your at-home holiday time. Use iStratus to post and share some sort of plan or file, so anyone involved can add or change things as tasks change or fluctuate. (It’s Ok if everything doesn’t go according to THE SET plan).

Get around the stress. Create a plan, stick to it as best you can, and avoid rushing around at the last minute.

iStratus recommends:

“Spring Cleaning” Before Hanging Holiday Decorations

Oh boy another chore, it’s hard to resist the temptation to eye roll here we know… finding the time to clean when your days are long and hectic as it is… yes we hear you! The last thing you want to do is to house clean!

The thing is though, when the house is messy or cluttered, adding holiday decorations and preparing for holiday guests is an absolute nightmare for most people. You’re not alone in feeling this way.

Therefore, it helps to stay organized over Christmas, and you can begin by cleaning the house. Your decorations will add easily to festivities when they aren’t competing with clutter, you know you’ll feel annoyed about.

The holidays are busy, and you’ve got a lot to do when getting ready for the holidays, so focus on the parts of the house that see the most traffic. Before you sort through your Christmas decorations storage, make a list in iStratus of things or areas that need de-cluttering before hanging lights.

Organize Your Living Space

If you look around the house and think, “How do I get organized for the holidays?” it may be as simple as tidying your living space. Take the opportunity to rearrange the cluttered areas of the house. 

Swap out your summer clothes for your winter clothes.  Go through holiday decorations and get rid of ones that are broken or no longer matter. You may even consider organizing an area just for extra blankets and pillows for visitors.

Even a little extra organization in your home can relieve some stress from the holiday madness.

Holiday Shop Early

Ugh, Yes. Love it or hate it. 

If gifts are on your iStratus checklists, don’t wait until the week before Christmas. Mark them off early and avoid shopping with the masses. Many stores will begin their Thanksgiving Black Friday sales a week or more before the Black Friday event, so you can deal-hunt without getting up at the crack of dawn. Shopping early is great because you don’t have to do it all at once and overwhelm yourself. Spread it out over a week or two or even throughout the year so that it fits within your schedule. If you have someone in your life who could use some organization, this Gift Guide may help.

Use a List App

Of course, this is our favorite idea! However, no bias is intended here! Paper lists get lost easily, but you’ve always got your phone on you. A planning app like ours can help you keep track of everything, holiday plans, gifts, and grocery lists. As usual, customize your lists and set reminders so you won’t forget to pick up those herbs or spices you need from the grocery store. 

Decorate Home As Home

So what if your holiday decor doesn’t rival “In Style” magazine? Decorating for the holidays should be fun, not stressful. 

Set aside a day on your schedule in iStratus, dedicated to decorating and getting the whole family in on it. 

Decorate to add happiness to your home. If you need some inspiration, there are many simple ideas to be found on Pinterest. Just “Google it.”

Don’t keep anything that doesn’t bring festive cheer to your home. Keep your favorite decorations neat, tidy, and clean with storage bins, for example.

Create A Gift-Wrapping Zone

Pick a corner of the house that receives little traffic and establish a makeshift wrapping station. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A folding table, few plastic containers will help organize supplies. (Even a patch of floor works). Then wrap your gifts as they come in to avoid the mad dash on Christmas Eve.

Reduce some of the stress associated with the holidays by planning well and getting organized with iStratus. Your schedule won’t prevent unexpected guests from dropping by, or those last-minute holiday party invites, or any family drama. It happens. It will, however, keep you sane during day-to-day holiday preparation, which frees up mental energy to be grateful for loved ones and just enjoy celebrating.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

iStratus Technology For The 21st Century

Technology has become such a critical part of the survival of the 21st-century. Any business without some level of technical “savvy” employed will likely fail. It is that essential.

We’ve previously addressed how iStratus contributes to effective communication in the workplace; on the same hand, it’s also an effective contributor technology-wise to ensuring that businesses operate more efficiently as a whole. 

At its most basic level, technology enables more productivity. Whether you’re using a processing program that like Google Drive allows you to edit with ease on the go or using the iStratus calendar system that pulls data at a tap of qwerty keys, technology makes life easier. 

You can schedule calls and appointments, and as a Manager or CEO, track employee time, whilst performing all tedious tasks that once took hours in front of a screen, in only minutes, in the palm of your hand.

Let’s explore, how to stay ahead in today’s technological world with ease.

Proficiency with Accuracy

When it comes to business, you can’t stay in business if you don’t have your agenda scheduled right. In the modern world, it can be hard to keep track of the multiple things that require completion all at once of course!  iStratus is here to help you stay on top of all “organizational formulas” maintain your professional ethos with a sense of confidence and accuracy. 

Consider the time and cost once required to compile a long list of information. Now, your schedule can be regularly maintained utilizing software that allows it to be generated or repeated as necessary within moments.

Be Diving Force of “Competition”

As much as we may dislike a cutthroat world, to some degree we need to compete against the rest to be successful or simply, survive. 

In business, your competitors no doubt use technology, so you need to employ and embrace it also. These days the connectivity of the Internet expands business horizons. 

We no longer sit in our backyard, so to speak. We are a global community, which allows us to stand out if we choose to. At iStratus we strongly promote and believe in our product, not because we simply want to “get ahead” of other businesses; we also have the desire to support and push your organization and productivity gains ahead too. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we all took upon it ourselves as human beings, to recognize that becoming a collaborator turns us into a valuable force instead of a competitor? We can all collaborate beautifully with iStratus technology. That’s the competition.

Communicate More Effectively

As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, iStratus effectively increases communication in the workplace for the better. Truthfully, none of the elements noted above functions effectively without it. Is a vital key towards success and the organized “survival of the fittest” for want of better words. 

Whatever the modality, be it an instant message, with a co-worker across the room, or across the ocean, there are no limits to a sharing interface like iStratus. The constant ease of communication allows us to forward information with clients, colleagues, or relatives, regardless of location. Technology has certainly made connecting in real-time easier than ever. 

On the flip side, putting your faith in technology to conduct business can be difficult, but sometimes you have got to take a chance. No matter what your objectives are, in iStratus you can create and address whatever it is, instantly. Your notes, lists, are placed directly where you choose, to get the job of being more organized done.

“Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, whether it’s leaving home, whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s flying into space.”

~ Chris Hadfield

True, yet not all risks are created equally. Going into space is a greater risk than trusting technology to assist you. However, nothing is without risk, of some sort. 

Relevance Matters

Regardless of your industry or profession, iStratus is designed to make life easier. Anything we can do to help lessen the pressure upon us in some way, we will try to achieve it. The point is to make things relevant to your needs and only you can decide what works best for yourself with iStratus. We do hope you notice a difference.

We can say with integrity that our technology values your business. We strive to protect your privacy rights and ensure you find something useful in the App that supports your daily life. As the decades pass, the next generation won’t be functioning without such technology. Therefore, we will continuously strive to improve iStratus’s delivery and positive impact. The world is full of enough demands as it is – we want to help you stress a little less towards success.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Protecting Your Privacy

Ok, so in previous articles, we’ve looked at the military-grade encryption iStratus provides because it goes without re-emphasizing it, we highly value protecting your information. Yes. We do our part, but we feel it is also important for us to look at how you can do your part to protect yourself from “online gremlins” too. 

And stay cyber safe.

It is no surprise that technology is pretty savvy towards what we do.  — By basic definition, marketing technology, in particular, is the industry devoted in part “to tracking people” and merging their information, so advertising can be tailored to suit our interests more effectively.

This tracking occurs on multiple levels: There’s physical tracking, because we carry our cell phones everywhere we go. And virtual tracking, of all the places we visit online.

The more that is understood about how the information is being collected, shared, and sold off, the more people tend to want to protect their privacy. Still, in practice, it’s difficult to know what is effective and what is a waste of time.

Everyone wants to protect their stuff, don’t they? So here are some ideas of what we should do.

Employ Good Security

This makes sense for most of us. We’ve all seen the words and rating scales of “strong passwords” at some point when setting up an online account. Passwords are the obvious thing we need to protect, so that doesn’t need repeating here. We think you understand the importance of this.

There has been much debate surrounding online privacy within the last decade. And it must be noted there’s a definite distinction between ‘privacy’ and ‘security’ when it comes to your data.

Generally speaking:

  • Security: refers to protecting against unauthorized access of your stuff — such as phishing credit card information, or hacking bank accounts.
  • Privacy: relates to preventing your movements from being tracked for purposes of advertising or monitoring.

Download The Latest Security Updates.

You know those pesky reminders you receive from your computer or phone to install the latest security update? Download those.

As App Designers we at iStratus know Apps can be compromised by problems that people know exist and publicly report. Security “bugs” are always worked upon so such situations can be avoided at a high standard. Thus, update, to get the benefit of security.

Beware of Phishing.

There’s that word again” phishing” 

Not every attack on our security arises through malware or hackers invisibly breaking into your account. Commonly, we’re hoodwinked into divulging our passwords or personal information to some shockingly awful actors.

Bear in mind, iStratus won’t send you anything. So if ever you receive anything claiming to us, it’s not us. And please let us know!

We all recognize, scammers enjoy hitting up our phones, in calls, texts, or emails and there are also signs that these messages aren’t legit. ALWAYS check for spelling or grammatical errors, links to third-party websites other than those these should be linked to, or emails coming directly from a strange domain.

If it feels fishy, it usually is! Trust those instincts!

It’s difficult to protect your privacy online if there aren’t exactly laws to protect it in the first place.

However, in truth blocking some advertising options on major social media platforms does help. It’s a dead giveaway when things you Google show up in Social Media Advertising!!

That said, privacy settings are only so effective, without any actual laws for privacy protection itself.

There are laws involving health and credit and financial information, however, there is much evidence available online that suggests, nationally the U.S. and other countries such as Australia don’t have a universal data privacy law safeguarding our everyday online privacy.

Numerous cyber-security experts propose avoiding “blockers” and so forth as they are frequently inadequate in their effectiveness anyway because of the attention such technology requires. Besides this, it is a multibillion-dollar Ad Tech industry out there. 

Like all values of communication we’ve spoken of, you would probably be better off to advocate for rights to inform policymakers that you wish to see change with today’s online privacy.

“The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take One Step at a Time…

When faced with this daunting issue, digital privacy and security can feel uneasy – we understand that. 

Services such as our iStratus “Password Vault” help – even just employing the basics to strengthen and protect your passwords makes a difference. Always having a vigilant eye for scams will make your accounts and information more secure. 

The Internet is not going anywhere – that’s the reality. Thus, the more aware each of us becomes towards understanding how our data is collected and used — the more we can tackle our privacy to keep it private. At iStratus, we want you to feel better and safer in mindset regarding how our digital lives will be for years to come. The only way is up!

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

The Importance of a Password Vault

The gist of Password Managers (PMs) and encryption in applications is to provide users with a safe and secure way to store credentials. This process typically includes applying a password, or pin to correctly verify data whenever access to personally sensitive information within an application or on a device is required. In this article, we’ll explore some of the mechanisms in our “Vault” that make password storage secure and easier.

At iStratus we know that security is a top priority for everyone. Hence, it’s the thing we value within our App most of all. We want you to feel secure in the way you store your credentials in our database for future reference and use. 

So, How Are Storing Passwords?

A “simple” approach to storing passwords is to create series of algorithms or tables in our database which maps use. When a user logs in, the server receives a request for authentication with a master password and, if things don’t match up in our vault, it’s a no-go. Again, the safety and security of your information are our primary focus. We keep things locked tight (no puns intended) and rest assured to access files and sensitive information your master password is immediately compared with the password provided and stored within the iStratus database. A secure match then provides the user access to the application.

A far more secure way to store a password is to transform it into data that cannot be converted back to the original password. Thus, at iStratus, we apply advanced encryption techniques to ensure your private/secure information is trolled all over the world of the Internet. Let’s learn more about the theory behind encrypting, its benefits, and its limitations.

Setting Your Master Password

We all have little memory space outs. In case that occurs iStratus has a sweet featured where you send yourself a nice little email with a few hints.

You don’t have to worry, you’re not superhuman you don’t have to remember everything!! We don’t necessarily like the impossible, it is just unrealistic, to think occasionally there is that chance you may forget.

As usual, iStratus akin to other elements within the app, ensures your passwords are neatly organized into categories so you have the option of deciding what goes where.

It’s all up to you. You decide which direction you wish to take.

It’s not surprising to hear the question: “Are password managers (PMs) safe to use?” The short answer is “yes.” The vast majority of cyber-security specialists agree that password managers are indeed the most secure way to protect your passwords.

Further research suggests, “123456” and “password”— are two of the most widely used passwords on the web for security. We might be biased but this is all the more reason to adopt and use our “Password Vault” in iStratus, because like the healthy fruits and vegetables of the Internet. Essentially, everyone knows these foods are good for us; however, most people are happier snacking on a password equivalent of a Snickers bar. 

Stay Safe & Sound

Despite the reliability of the PMs, the technology industry as a whole always takes a hit when media covers the latest vulnerability or security breach. Therefore, we hope this blog helps you feel confident about using our password vault without the fear-mongering often associated with these tools.

Of course, in this technological era, we need to always be conscious and aware of how we store our sensitive information. So we must emphasize whilst use iStratus, even if “hackers” do attempt to have a field day, we used military-grade encryption so that even with a “cyber attack” your data will be protected.

Let’s face it, the safest way to store them in your head is to memorize them all, keeping them all long, strong, and secure as a rule of thumb!

We’re joking. That might be possible for a unique genius but for the most part, we need to offload our data into secure vaults so that we make room in our minds and give our overworked memories a decent break.

The iStratus Password Vault offers convenience and, more importantly, helps you stay organized and keep them, which makes your online existence less vulnerable to password-based attacks. 

So yes, we’re advocates for using a password manager as a handy tool. In one click, as well as securely storing other types of data like your credit card or home security information, you can instantly print selected pieces of data you have stored. As always, our App is designed with organization in mind. And we want the sharing of your data with family and friends to be safer. We feel this is a significantly better way to share your login details than in an email or some unencrypted messenger. This approach also ensures you won’t lose anything should the unexpected happen. Breathe easy.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Encryption Explained.

In today’s world and advancement in the use of technology over the past decade, there’s an ever-growing potential for escalation of hackings, and security breaches in our private data are pervasive. To protect technology (and ourselves) now, more than ever before, encryption has a stronghold key towards our security online.

There has been quite a debate recently regarding Internet regulation pertaining to access to data. However let’s not digress here, that is another story for another day, as they say really. 

The Need For Encryption

Bottom line: We want and need encryption, and if you read our previous article associated with using iStratus’s “Password Vault” you’ll understand why we apply encryption every day to ensure your personal data doesn’t land in the wrong hands.

In this article, we’ll address the encryption script and why it is central to the security we offer you when using iStratus. Needless to say, but we’ll say it repeatedly anyway because we want you to feel assured: The safety of your data is paramount to us!

The Encryption Script

Encryption is exactly that – cryptic. It transforms data into an ambiguous message to prevent unauthorized access to your information within our app. Many technologies use this approach from emails to bank details, by keeping communication secure between the parties involved.

Within iStratus, our security is military grade. So any information used within the “vault or cloud” becomes ‘scrambled’ when any information is sent from one recipient to another. A lengthy code turns information unreadable for anybody else that may attempt to access it.

When the data stored and sent is encrypted, the user or the sender and the receiver are the only people that can decrypt the scramble. Simply put encryption is like translating your information into a foreign language only you or an intended recipient understands, and most importantly, vernacular cybercriminals cannot translate.

When implemented effectively, encrypted data potentially ensures hackers would require hundreds of years to crack the codes applying repeatedly brute force cyber attacks, upon the complex mathematical algorithms and long numerical sequences that are arduous to decrypt, using software that scans through billions of combinations.

Of course as just as there are different types of technology, there are different types of encryption, each with varying levels of effectiveness. 

This process is essential measured in “bits”. We’re not going to get into all of that technical jargon here, as that involves numerous pages and lots of numbers. However in simple terms of the theory: The higher the number of “bits” involved in encryption, the harder it is – a general rule – for a hacker to crack the code. We’ll say it again, iStratus uses Military Grade encryption, so yes, we’re sure – you get the message on that.

Keeping Things Locked for Security.

End-to-end encryption is imperative because it provides of course provides security for files, data being sent moment to moment and it is scrambled until it is accessed by the user on “password” or it is something received by an intended recipient. This also ensures that no third party or hacker can read the exchanged information.

Services like Gmail or Microsoft for example, enable the provider to access the content of users’ data on its servers because they possess copies to the decryption keys. With the terms and conditions, we essentially grant permission to read emails and files. In Google’s aka Gmail’s past, it’s these keys that have allowed them to share information and this is why we often receive targeted advertisements. 

On the contrary, well-constructed end-to-end encrypted systems, such as iStratus, means that providers never have to access to the decryption keys.

Advantages of End-To-End Encryption

The National Security Agency (NSA) recently issued revised guidelines (2020) for using certain collaboration services during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

Leading Number One on the NSA’s list of Criteria was the recommendation to employ end-to-end encryption, to reduce the risk exposure of confidentially sensitive data and becoming harder targets for a “cyber invasion.”

So in summary encryption:

Safeguards your confidential data against hackings: With end-to-end encryption, the service user is the only one who has the private key to unlock their data. The information these web servers store cannot be read by hackers because the private keys are required to decrypt it.

Protects your privacy: If data features decryption on these servers, then obviously your privacy is also protected.

Safeguards Administrators too: With no holds on the decryption keys to the data, any attempted attack that could potentially target admins like iStratus will come up short.

Today, it is no surprise that hundreds of defense companies and businesses rely on this approach to protect user’s most sensitive data. At iStratus, the end-to-end encryption approach is at the core of how we protect you best. Stay safe always.

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Organize. Transform. Standout. 

If you’re not an inherently organized person, iStratus is here to help you apply critical organizational skills daily that will be transformative to your career. We want you to stand out and separate from the pack. Read on to discover five key strategies that will improve your organizational skills within the workplace.


Plan for accomplishment. Thinking as far ahead and establishing a thoughtful plan of attack allows for the value-added organization each day. Be proactive! The easiest way to be productive for the day is to plan and prepare, for it.

Being an efficient planner entails utilizing lists. 

Use iStratus to make a list of all the tasks you must cover each day. This will ensure:

  • Fewer tasks are forgotten
  • You experience the satisfaction of checking things off from your to-do list throughout the day.
  • You have a concrete way to keep track of the tasks for completion.
  • You will potentially stay motivate to commit and there will be a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment from finalizing tasks.

Regardless of which list or calendar method you use on iStratus, the application of a list will help you focus and structure your day.

Time Management

Begin by viewing your time as valuable. Life will pull you in different directions at times; feeling like you’ll never get atop your job. However, effective time management will allow you to address those moments of havoc with added intention and intelligence. We can view interruptions as a minor annoyance as opposed to something, which controls your day.

Everybody has a certain time of the day when they are most productive – if you function better early in the morning, consider that your prime time use iStratus to highlight and schedule your most demanding and challenging work during this time. Try to coordinate your prime time with others to minimize unnecessary and avoidable interruptions. 

Typically significant time is wasted dealing with interruptions during the workday. From emails to those constant “dings” that occur on our mobile phones and those distractions steal valuable time. Focusing on key tasks noted on your iStratus calendar in time blocks will help you track your day effectively.

Schedule. Schedule. Schedule

The scheduling strategy goes hand in hand with creating checklists. While you are creating “To-Dos” or Checklists of tasks and projects, align it all with a schedule. Give each task a designated timeframe in which to accomplish it. That way, you can ensure deadlines are met and nothing is left undone or by the wayside. 

Be generous and allow some flexibility with your time estimates for each task or project. The schedule must be realistic. Try not to compile a list and schedule that results in feeling low and unaccomplished because you “failed to meet” your own presets for work.

Appreciate your calendar with an eye upon the bigger, wider picture. Sometimes it’s important to focus on what’s happening today, for today, and then deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Following this to take a few steps ahead at once towards a broader view will help you thrive.

Kick Goals

Nothing feels better than setting a goal and smashing it. Go for fulfillment. It’s a genuine energy boost!

Set daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals for yourself. Prioritize both smaller and larger goals to stay motivated and disciplined to finalize tasks.

Remember flexibility is key. Adding new goals to your agenda in iStratus throughout the year or adjusting an existing goal is perfectly okay. Life is unpredictable, thus it’s important be open and willing to redirect the course as required. This doesn’t equate to failure. Sometimes, there is simply a need to pivot to keep moving forward. Moving forward is what counts.

You are in charge of your organizational domain.  Arrange your digital workspace into folders within iStratus for maximum efficiency. Anyone can diminish the time and effort it takes to accomplish tasks. 

Storing your files digitally with iStratus is designed to organize them in such a way so that everything you require is stored adequately and named appropriately. This will save time looking for those “lost” files. Create a master document of all your files to save time in the long run. 

Ultimately, we recognize that life is not a checklist, to rule your world. We do, believe in allowing the process to flow. We say that organizational skills are crucial for success and increasing your productivity so that you can breathe and focus on those things that matter to you most.

We hope these tips assist in helping you – Organize and transform your daily routine to stand out amongst “the crowd.”

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.”

~ J. K. Rowling

Live life and roll well with iStratus.

Your Attention is Valued: Eliminate Information Overload

The world’s technology revolution and information overload explosion have placed our daily attention under siege of sorts. On a given day we absorb more than quadruple the information than we ever did four decades ago. Information, thanks to the virtual world, is merely a few finger taps away.

Our brains, as governed by Darwin’s theory of biological evolution — advances gradually. Thus, our “attention intelligence” must effectively join the race to maintain productivity across the board.

Attention Intelligence? Really?

Yes. Really. With so much bombardment of information we all require some strategies to boost attention spans. It is no surprise that rapid change can become overwhelming. If you feel this way, right now – you’re not flying solo there.  First and foremost we need to de-clutter the mind to improve brain functionality or circuitry and ultimately boot productivity more successfully.

Knowing When to Switch Thinking Up or Off

The operating principle behind this idea is to enhance self-awareness to lead to greater productivity.

This is where we must address tasks that benefit from sustained concentration. These are things that typically involve, step-by-step problem solving, gathering and analyzing information (for example, organizing weekly schedules, expenses, To-Do Lists, and so forth). 

When we have been problem-solving for a meaningful period and our tight focused attention begins to feel counterproductive, as evidenced by lethargy, wavering concentration, and feeling stuck in gridlock.

To combat such things we believe that reducing distractions is key.

You can efficiently use iStratus to build a routine that capitalizes on reward circuitry within the brain. In short: By addressing goals, tasks, and checklists, one element at a time, we come to feel some sense of relief and fewer overloads.

Free Up Attention: Unload Info to Reduce Stress

Every day we have countless things to keep track of, that anytime we can dependably unload any of it, we free up our attention. If parts of the mind are preoccupied with our ‘To Do’ lists, we’re unable to fully engage in problem-solving or relax. We often unload by creating a contact list on our phones or recording our passwords. So we already acknowledge there are benefits to such “downloading”. 

Numerous studies associated with productivity, indicate we should be embracing as many opportunities as possible to unload stored information. Over decades, our brain circuitry has transitioned more towards being vigilant and constantly “pinging” reminders of our endless responsibilities and commitments. Ultimately, we are stuck with minds that are compelled to churn over such responsibilities – to what neuroscientists refer to as “rehearsal loops”.

Now more than ever, we recommend that besides unloading a trusted person, we also need to utilize an operational App or system such as ours to “mind sweep” and prioritize responsibilities and open up our capacity for responsiveness (and gain some much-needed sleep)!

You’ve no doubt heard of the “mind-sweeping” technique which is intended to capture all the tasks, responsibilities, commitments and those “should dos” that interject into our minds daily. Essentially it is all “the stuff” we feel obligated to complete.

  • The first step towards progress is to identify and list as many of these items in iStratus so that information is readily available.
  • The second step is to add new items that pop up (your can voice record them on your phone and transfer these across to iStratus).

By doing so, these items are “downloaded” onto a trusted external system, which can be reviewed periodically. In turn, we also “down the volume” on those rehearsal loops, become more relaxed, and have more capacity to focus on tasks at hand and the things we love.

As You Know, Prioritizing Is Meaningful. 

To de-clutter our minds, we also need to cultivate the habit of putting these tasks on a daily calendar. And any business that can be in the electronic trash upon reflection, 

De-clutter our attention and working memory and transfer some of those worries into our worlds. 

And as we noted in some of our previous articles: Sleep! – Don’t forget to catch a good night’s sleep, the most significant booster of productivity!

If you wish to save your mental energy for the important stuff to increase productivity, we recommend adopting the ‘good enough’ principle, with the unimportant stuff. President Obama knew what he was doing by limiting his wardrobe, depending on his schedule. This gives our attention spans space for more essential objectives.

With so many choices at our disposal, we can often feel that is our fault for not applying the best one.

However, with all the research on focus and excellence, consider it another reason to “dump” unnecessary information. It’s not as complicated as it seems. 

Why not use iStratus today, to help kick a new direction, preserve your time and cerebral energy for invaluable productivity? Start the change. Leap. Unload. Redirect your attention – 

Live life and roll well with iStratus.